April 2022 Open House Winner – Heart of Texas Bridge Gappers Toastmasters Club!

April 2022 Open House Winner – Heart of Texas Bridge Gappers Toastmasters Club!

by Emily Murray DTM Club Growth Director

Who stole your heart? Heart of Texas Bridge Gappers of course! How did they steal it? With an effective, engaging and exciting open house on April 2, 2022!

The HOT Bridge Gappers really know how to throw a party!!! The Open House was very entertaining and also met all of the criteria for a Golden Gavel Meeting. Even with it being a 100% virtual meeting all members and guests were greeted warmly and enthusiastically at the beginning. 75% of the membership was in attendance along with one non-Toastmaster guest. All roles were filled, and every speech was from Pathways. There was a lot of energy and great communication throughout the meeting. The energy of the meeting and effective use agenda demonstrated the quality and kind of meetings that are productive for converting guests to members and keeping members engaged and active.

Congratulations and well-done Heart of Texas Bridge Gappers club!