Category: <span>Training</span>

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TLI Newsletter Script

TLI Newsletter Script

By Sundra Smith, TLI Chair H-O-T Off The Press!!!  All Club Officers and Members are cordially invited to attend the new and innovative Winter TLI facilitated by District 25 members. This TLI will be hosted in-Person and virtually. Click here for dates and full details of each session. Read a brief synopsis of the supplemental...

Have Slide-Deck Will Train!

Have Slide-Deck Will Train!

by Chuck Mencke DTM D25 Webmaster District 25 just finished its first round of Toastmasters Leadership Institute Club Officer training. I was honored to be part of the training team. I also had the opportunity to conduct club officer training in 10 additional countries. This speaks to District 25’s reputation. We’re not only known for...

MidYear Training Experience – Trio

MidYear Training Experience – Trio

By Marcheta Gardner, DTM, Club Growth Director   Coming into the Trio and District Leadership as Club Growth Director, I was very much looking forward to the “storied” trip past leaders shared about Mid-Year Training.  And then the shoe dropped… the in-person training was cancelled.  Wellllll, how exciting can virtual training be? I was surprised...

Open House Training

Open House Training

By Gary Lee Web, DTM   On December 12, District 25 hosted a Club Success Workshop focused on improving our Open House events during these difficult times. For me, the timing was wonderful, since my Tuesday night chapter scheduled an Open House on January 5, 2021. Approximately 40 toastmasters participated in the 90-minute training, resulting...

Contest Quality, Judges and Chief Judges Training

Contest Quality, Judges and Chief Judges Training

By Greg Pick, DTM, District Chief Judge, Past District Director & Kelley Kukreja, Contest Coordinator   Want to know how to run a club contest – we have the answers! On Saturday, January 23, 2021, attend our Contest Quality Training!! Did you wonder how to judge a speech contest – we will provide Judges training...

Training Opportunities – District 3

Training Opportunities – District 3

By Ninfa Flewitt, DTM, Program Quality Director   District 3 which is part of our region has invited our members to attend.  I encourage you to attend and mention it at your club meetings. October 14th 7pm (Arizona GMT-7) – How to use Facebook for club success – October 20th  6:30 – 8:30 pm (Arizona...

Pop Quiz: What does the D25 Trio, a Sextant, and Dallas all have in common?

Pop Quiz: What does the D25 Trio, a Sextant, and Dallas all have in common?

By Jamie Pickering, DTM, District Director Pop Quiz: What does the D25 Trio, a Sextant, and Dallas all have in common? Answer: Toastmasters International Mid-Year Training! The Club Growth, Program Quality, and District Director attend training from TI twice a year. Once preceding the International Convention and then again in January.  This January we were...