by Greg Pick DTM Pathways Coordinator
The Home Club setting in Pathways allows members to connect with their VP Education through Basecamp.
Home Club Setting
How often you use the setting could depend on the number of clubs you joined and how active you are. For example, some members give most of their speeches in a single club and don’t change the Home Club setting. Others change this setting each time they speak at different clubs. And some will change the setting after they complete a level.
Completing a Level
Members should coordinate with the VP Education and tell them your intentions for completing a level. I find it ironic how often this does not happen since Toastmasters learn about effective communication. If you are in multiple clubs – the need to communicate is amplified since you must communicate with more than one VP Education. I recommend that you complete final projects on a level in the Club where you plan to submit the level completion and subsequent award. Inform the Base Camp manager for that club of your intentions. Before changing the setting to another club, I recommend that you wait for the level completion email.
Education Credit
Did you know that level approvals submitted in Base Camp and the awards submitted in Club Central have no connection? The URLs and the color scheme reinforce the differences – Base Camp blue versus Toastmasters International maroon. As Toastmasters, our integrity ensures that Pathways and Club Central awards remain aligned, but sometimes they get out of alignment.
An award can be submitted in Club Central at any time, by any officer, in any of your clubs, on any of your paths, but it must be done in order – L1, L2, L3, et cetera. In Pathways members can complete projects on any level and levels in any order. If you are averse to completing Level 1 speeches again, I recommend that you reconsider using the Level 1 projects since all the speeches can be on any topic!!
I hope this eliminated the mystery of the home club setting, completing a level, and earing education credit.