I attended my first Awards Banquet my fourth year in Toastmasters. I had heard about the banquet, but didn’t think I needed to go. What was the point? Everyone gets educational awards in the mail and our ribbons show up quarterly. Then two or three people suggested I attend. I don’t remember if they told...
Category: <span>2016 Awards Banquet</span>
My New Perspective on Awards Banquets
If you want to fully appreciate attending an Awards Banquet Ceremony, I highly recommend that you serve as the event’s chair. My two previous banquets I was there as a guest. I got dressed up, enjoyed dining with friends, applauded, had my pictures made onstage, said goodnight and left. There was...
Thanks for the Memories!
Many of us know the Awards Banquet as the occasion when members and clubs are recognized for their achievements over the previous Toastmasters year. But it has another purpose. It is the time that the outgoing District Director is allowed to sing a swan song. To reflect, on not just the past year but on...
The Real Reason You’ll Come To The Awards Banquet.
Toastmasters enjoy getting all dressed up like everyone else. We are known for our roaring applauses when fellow Toastmasters excel, achieve or even attempt to excel or achieve. But when it comes right down to what matters, FOOD always wins. I’m a foodaholic. I love all things caloric laden. Yes I’ve gone through the 12...