by Coleen Kelley Truckin’ Toastmasters I am a conference addict. Most of my vacation time is spent traveling, listening to speakers and panels ranging from business and finance to self-development and health. Instead of movies on the weekend, I try to talk my elementary aged kids into TedTalk marathons. The other day while listening to the umpteenth audio...
Category: <span>Conferences</span>
BECOME THE ONE to GROW and put forth your new life!
by Joyce Trimble DTM Annual Conference Volunteer Chair What are your plans to Becoming the One? Your club will soon be electing new officers for 2022-23. Your district needs Area Directors. Your district needs YOU. Your club needs YOU. The members you touch while Growing Your Influence will forever be grateful and call your name...
by Kelley Kukreja VC2 Did you miss the Watch Party at the District 25 Annual Conference? If you did, you missed the fun! On Friday night we announced the winners of the Table Topics Contest. The winners were: 3rd Place – David Willis; 2nd Place – Pallavi Ridout; and 1st Place – Shannon Hills. Saturday...
Be A One-Percenter
by Setma Maddox DTM TK O’Geary, International Director, indicated in her Keynote Speech at the District 25 Conference, that “only 1% of all persons who have ever been a member of Toastmasters International and only 6% of the active members earn the Distinguished Toastmasters award. No other District honors their Distinguished Toastmasters like District 25....
“I See You” – A First Timer
by Mary Gano DL3 When I first started hearing this year’s conference’s theme, I See You, I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve been a member of Toastmasters since 2012, and embarrassing enough, had never attended a conference. WOW, have I been missing out!!! Friday evening, after a long day and an even longer week,...
A Glimpse Inside the Business Meeting
by Keith E. Boepple, DTM One of the most overlooked, yet most important, parts of our District 25 2021 Conference is our Business Meeting. During this time, reports from each Division are heard, the annual Budget report is given, reports from the trio are presented, and the club alignment report is given. All of this...
by Jill Morrison and Susan Hastings Are you ready to regenerate enthusiasm using your superpowers? Do you want to learn new ways to control and focus those superpowers? District 25 SEES YOU. May 14th and 15th is our very first hybrid conference. We are going to have some merrymaking with our superpowers whether you attend...
2021 “Super Powers” Annual Conference – May 14-15, 2021
by Jill Morrison, DTM Annual Conference Chair & Joyce Trimble, DTM Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Court of D25 Toastmasters and Table of Super Powers See You and the Power Within and proclaim May 14 – 15, 2021 Days of Special Commemoration! The Court and Table of Super Powers extend a special invitation to all...
District Speech Contest Changes
by Ninfa Flewitt, DTM Program Quality Director Lights! Camera! Contests! We have it all planned. Do you watch videos? Do you love a cliffhanger? Our District speech contests this year will meet both these criteria. The recorded contests will be shown at contest watch parties on Friday, May 15, for Table Topics and Saturday, May 16, for...
Game On
By Thad Mantaro, Public Relations Manager It’s that time of year again. The weather is turning warmer, birdsongs fill the air, the days are growing longer, and once again–it’s time for the D25 Website Contest! Each May, a review of D25 club websites occurs, and to the winner go the spoils! Information about the...