Toastmasters helps members become the speakers and leaders they want to be. These Toastmasters describe its real-life benefits for them by telling their stories. Mittie Blackburn Dean Lampman Sara Boepple Chuck Mencke Karen Chilton Terry Mencke Ron Clark Tom Parsons Peggy Corino Diana Patton Julie Cosgrove Rhealyn Samuelson Abiodun Fanimokun Tara Sanger Mary Feltman Michael...
Category: <span>tell your story 2011-2012</span>
Pushing Previous Limits
Terry Mencke, CC Plus Two Toastmasters Fort Worth, Texas Feedback I’ve received from my club made me more confident speaking in front of others. Recently, my company had a meeting of all our U.S. managers. I presented to the entire group. Time manager: Learning how to manage my time more effectively allows me to accomplish more...
Teaching Toastmaster
Michael Sheridan, ACB/CL Lakeside Toastmasters Lewisville, Texas I taught college and graduate classes for years. Wasn’t until Toastmasters that I found out how “wordy” I was! Let’s not even talk about “uhs” and “ahs.” I learned to focus my message, understand my audience and deliver my message with clarity and conviction. Gift getter: Through Speech Contests,...
Create Your Own Path
Rhealyn Samuelson, DTM Denton Toastmasters Denton, Texas I completed my last speech project out of the Facilitating Discussion manual to become a DTM in a bit of an unique way. Took a trip to Virginia to see family and on the way back stopped in Searcy, Arkansas to see my Toastmaster daughter. Got together with...
Words of Wisdom
Tom Parsons, CC/CL A-Team Toastmasters Irving, Texas “As a member of a volunteer organization of motorcycle riders who escort the funerals of fallen soldiers, I escorted the funeral of a 21-year-old Army specialist killed on his third week of duty in Kandahar, Afghanistan. When I offered my condolences to his grandmother, she looked at me...
Confidence Booster
With promotion, my manager recommended Toastmasters. Nervousness was an issue for me. I’ve learned to prepare and organize my thoughts, to consider the background of my audience and their needs, and to speak with more confidence and volume. Quick thinking: Toastmasters has helped me tremendously with thinking on my feet. Recently won my first...
Confidence. Conviction. Courage.
Toastmasters has given me more confidence; more conviction; more courage. Enough courage to start writing a novel or two! In my job as a customer service rep, my average talk time decreased by 35 seconds (more than 12%) in first eight months after joining Toastmasters. Destiny defining: Described my role as area governor to...
Pivot Points & Pivotal People
I hit a personal low early in pursuing my CC. Recently, a fellow club member told me he wasn’t a “natural” speaker like me. Toastmasters works. Definitely making progress toward being a better speaker, communicator and role model for my fellow Toastmasters. Priceless “peeps”: Made significant friends and relationships through Toastmasters. I believe the...
Commitment & Community
Listening and attending other club meetings and hearing other Toastmasters presentations over the years helped me become a better communicator. By leading, my understanding of others grew and I learned how to set attainable goals for myself and others. Self-driven service: As a volunteer organization, Toastmasters allows people to develop at a comfortable pace. “Toastmasters...
Aim High; Never Give Up
Gary Lee Webb, DTM Waco Wordsmiths Waco, Texas Toastmasters has taught me that I am capable of far more than I ever dreamed. It took me 15 months to do my first 10 speeches. This year, I expect to complete 27 speeches by Christmas. Now, I speak on average more than once per week. Five...