Category: <span>2016 Spring Conference</span>

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My First Conference Experience

The spring 2016 conference was my first conference that I have had the opportunity to attend. Going there I really had no idea what to expect or how it would go, but it turned into being one of the most inspirational and motivating events that I have ever attended. Taylor escorts District Director Cindy Hinckley...


District Contest Winners Spring 2016

Our First Place Winner and the person who will represent our District at International is… YOU! You probably weren’t the one reviewing your speech over and over in your head during the minute of silence waiting for your name to be called.  And statistically you weren’t the one holding the trophy on the District contest...


There’s Always a First Time

If you have not ever attended a District Conference before, I want to encourage you to register today for the D25 Spring Conference on May 20th and 21st. As the First Timers Chair for this event, I have been working hard to plan a very special experience, just for you! You will have early access...


Register now for D25 Spring Conference

“Left! Left! Left, right left!” No doubt many of you have heard the “Conference Cadence” to recruit you into “Pathways of Service” at the Spring Conference. While we do love and appreciate all our uniformed service men and women, that’s not the kind of service we mean. When we evaluate someone’s speech, we provide a...