Category: <span>Speech Contests</span>

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It’s a Wrap – 2022 District Speech Contests

It’s a Wrap – 2022 District Speech Contests

by Lola Stone IP5 District Contest Coordinator The District 25 Evaluation Speech and International Speech Contests were recorded and then played during the Contest Watch parties at the Annual Conference. Warren Ehn (Plus 2 Toastmasters) did a terrific job as the Contest Master for both contests. He masterfully worked his way through the contest script...

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers

by Lola Stone, D25 Contest Coordinator 2021-22 Spring has officially sprung with warmer days, blooming landscapes, rainy weather, and rainbows. Spring is the time of new growth and new experiences. Just like spring, Toastmasters contest season is also time for new growth and new experiences. I encourage all Toastmasters to step outside of their clubs...

Change Is In The Wind!

Change Is In The Wind!

by Lola Stone IP5, LD4 – D25 Contest Coordinator Fellow Toastmasters: March is the month when Spring is in the air, bringing the winds of change!  Can you feel the change coming? March is also the month of our Speech Contests. Area Evaluation and International Speech Contests are continuing! Speech contests are like no other...

D25 Toastmasters Contest Season Is In Full Swing!

D25 Toastmasters Contest Season Is In Full Swing!

by Lola Stone Contest Coordinator This spring, District 25 will host two speech contests: an Evaluation Contest and an International Contest. The Evaluation Speech Contests begin at the club level and end at the district competition. The International Speech Contests begin at club level, winners proceed to area, division, and district levels. District winner moves...

D25 Zoom for Contests Pop Up THIS Friday, 2/11!

D25 Zoom for Contests Pop Up THIS Friday, 2/11!

by Marcheta Gardner DTM Program Quality Director Still wondering “How” to set up breakout rooms in Zoom? How do we sequester contestants for the Evaluation Contests?! What about speaker view versus gallery view? Confused?! Come out and join us for the Pop-Up session on Zoom for Contests, this coming Friday, Feb 11, from 7-8 PM!...



by Lola Stone Contest Coordinator Happy New Year! Contest season is a special time in Toastmasters, and that season has arrived. The pandemic continues to affect how we participate in our Toastmasters meetings – contests are not excluded. As of January 5, 2022, all District 25 Area, Division and District speech contests will be virtual...

A Plinth In The Corner – A Gift For Current Times

A Plinth In The Corner – A Gift For Current Times

By Prince Motiani, DTM Tip Top Toastmasters In the past submissions, we have covered the Icebreaker and the power of the voice. Going forward, there are the words we speak, the structure, and body language. Then, we can move on to impromptu speaking and how to evaluate speeches. Today, it being the present, the here...

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