Category: <span>Education</span>

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Basecamp, Level Completion, and Home Club, Oh My!

Basecamp, Level Completion, and Home Club, Oh My!

by Greg Pick DTM Pathways Coordinator How do Basecamp, Level Completion, and Home Club relate in Pathways – quite splendidly it turns out.  Let’s explore! Basecamp – the online learning platform where members access their Pathways Learning Experience curriculum. There are tutorials for maneuvering around basecamp, and there is access to evaluation forms for each...

Embracing Change with Pathways

Embracing Change with Pathways

by Steven Timmons DTM Do you find yourself embracing change or avoiding it at all costs, including Pathways?  In our crazy world, change occurs daily. Spencer Johnson wrote a simple book entitled, “Who Moved My Cheese?” that described how people deal with change. The four characters Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw show how different people...

Your Secret to a Better Pathway’s Why

Your Secret to a Better Pathway’s Why

by Steven Timmons DTM Do you know your why? I mean really understand your why. The chances are that if you are having trouble engaging in Pathways then you probably have a broken why. Many begin with a why like “I want to be a better speaker,” “I want to communicate better,” “I want to...

A Gift To You – Sharing Practical Pathways Practices

A Gift To You – Sharing Practical Pathways Practices

By Greg Pick, DTM, PDD, Pathways Coordinator What practical techniques have you developed since the Pathways Learning Experience rolled out?  Just 18 months have passed since the Pathways Learning Experience became the Toastmasters curriculum for members to improve and develop communication and leadership skills!  The prior method of getting education content from manuals became obsolete. ...

Club Success Workshop Series

Club Success Workshop Series

By Ross Moore, MS3, Club Extension Chair  What:  Club Success Workshop: Conducting a Business Meeting – Making Bad Meetings Better! When:  Saturday, December 11, 2021, 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (Zoom Bridge will open at 8:50 a.m.) Where: Zoom (Link to be provided upon registration.) Have you ever attended a Toastmaster meeting that lacks organization,...

A New Member’s Testimonial

A New Member’s Testimonial

By Ebony Bradley Toastmaster Ebony Bradley recently joined the Six Twenty Nine Club and agreed to perform a demonstration speech related to navigating Pathways. After Ebony’s speech, the Pathways Chairman asked her to share her impression of navigating a Pathways project now that she had some practice. Here is Ebony’s response:   In my opinion,...

A Plinth In The Corner – Dive in for the Icebreaker

A Plinth In The Corner – Dive in for the Icebreaker

by Dr. Prince Motiani, DTM Welcome back, fellow D25 Toastmasters! First things first: how am I going to proceed in this corner? I shall divide these write-ups into three sections. First, I’ll tell you a little about the project I intend to cover. Then I shall progress to tell you the how to present it...