POPPIN’ in to say THANK YOU!!!

POPPIN’ in to say THANK YOU!!!

by Marcheta Gardner DTM Program Quality Director

Hello District 25!

Your Program Quality Director poppin’ in to say Thank You for staying the course with us as we trained over 60% of our club officers, completed the Club/Area/Division contests, and or simply showed up in our respective clubs.  While we would’ve liked a higher percentage of completion for officers trained, it matters greatly to the 60%+.

We are rounding out this Toastmasters’ year having weathered the continuation of the pandemic, still doing things virtual.  You stayed the course.  You showed up each day to make a difference for a member or guest in your club.

Thank you for continuing to inspire others and motivating us all to go do great things!  Our year is not quite complete. Let’s finish STRONG!  Get those Nemileta Networking Nine visits done.  Continue the Intentionally Inspirational club visits.  Complete one more level in your chosen path for Pathways. Give one more speech.  Consider stepping up to Leadership for the next Toastmasters’ year.😊

Inspired by You,

Marcheta Gardner