Compiled by Chuck Mencke, DTM – District 25 Toastmasters – 03/19/20
This document contains several guides to help you and your club conduct effective online meetings for your Toastmasters club. I’ve gathered these documents from Toastmaster friends from around the globe that I’ve gotten to know while attending online meetings over the last few years. I have received their blessing to share these guides with our members and clubs to help them navigate “uncharted” territory. I have done my best to give credit where credit is due.
Something very interesting to note is contained in the last document “Tips for Successful Virtual Meetings.” Cornerstone Communicators is an Advanced Club located in the United Kingdom. On the 2nd page of their guide, they reference getting a copy of the Pathways Evaluation form before a meeting and then reference the D25 Website for downloads. I’ve heard this time and time again; our District website is one of the best in the world. Here’s a club located in the UK taking advantage of our resources. I am very proud of our District leading the way in so many areas.
Please let me know if I can assist in anyway or answer questions. I am been involved with online Toastmaster meetings for the past several years.
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Tip & Tricks from Region 3
Chuck Mencke, DTM
817.995.7944 – cell