by Greg Pick
Hi fellow members,
It’s hard to believe we only have about 7 weeks until the end of the 2017-2018 Toastmasters year! Have you achieved the goals you established at the beginning of our year together? If you have, congratulations! If you’ve not reached them, there is still time! Perhaps take a goal and stretch it a bit farther than you originally planned. For example, give Successful Club Series and/or Leadership Excellence series presentations. These additional speeches can be used toward achievement of your Advanced Leader Bronze.
Club officers, this is something you can easily do! See Advanced Leader Bronze requirements here.
If you desire to complete an educational level, be ready to fill a speaking spot at the last minute or look for speaking opportunities at other clubs.
Many of our clubs have low membership (or just need a few more members). I recommend having one well-planned open house or membership drive as it can result in additional members! It’s all about sharing the benefits Toastmasters provides.
Reach out to members who have not attended in a while and let them know you miss them. This is something I do myself. Club members become friends and I want to reach out to those I haven’t seen to see how they are doing.
I encourage each of you to commit to finishing the year STRONG. Continue to try to reach the personal and club goals you set last July!
It’s Our Journey!
Greg Pick, DTM
District Director 2017-2018