World Champions Score Again!

David Brooks, 1990 World Champion

What a priviledge to be able to work with David Brooks, 1990 World Champion of Public Speaking and Jock Elliott, 2011 World Champion of Public Speaking in order to bring a special event to the members of both District 25 and District 50. These two World Champions graciously arranged to fly in from New York City for one unforgettable evening just to address the nearly 200 members present at the event.


Jock Elliott, 2011 World Champion

These two gentlemen shared inside tips on the Essentials of Effective Speaking, including a few gems for all to take away:

  • Write your speech word for word in order to edit it.
  • Use the Readability Statistics in MS Word to show you:
    • what level your writing is
    • word count, etc.
  • Maintain a file of personal stories and file them by emotion for future use
David Brooks and Cindy Hinckley

Three lucky members won door prizes donated by Jock and David. Please consider taking advantage of future unexpected opportunities when they are offered. Chances like this special event enhance your Toastmasters journey as well as providing unforgettable moments.

Stay tuned for future opportunities!

Check out both David Brooks and Jock Elliott’s websites for yourselves.



by Cindy Hinckley