Denton Toastmasters Club Contest

Denton Toastmasters Club Contest was held on Monday, August 13, 2012.

 Humorous Speech Contest:  Winner of the Humorous Speech Contest was Micaela Pinnell (3rd from the left) and 2nd place winner was Sue Larson (2nd from the left).  Also pictured are Contest Master Robi Ley, ACG, ALB and Chief Judge Manhal Shukayr, ACB, ALB.

Evaluation Contest:  The winner of the Evaluation Contest was Jeff Hubbard, ACB, CL (3rd from the left) and 2nd place went to Kate Breece, CC (2nd from left).  Also pictured are Contest Master Robi Ley, ACG, ALB and Chief Judge Manhal Shykayr, ACB, ALB.