Our new International tag line asserts, “Toastmasters: Where Leaders Are Made.” But does leadership just happen? We all know that the best way to learn leadership skills is by doing, not by reading a book or an article, no matter how enlightening it may be. Those interested in developing leadership skills should begin by taking advantage of the many opportunities for leadership in their Toastmasters clubs and beyond.
At the club level, members may run for a club office or offer to help existing officers with a membership drive, club contest, publicity campaign or other club activity. Every current club officer should encourage participation on committees to build a successful club. One of the main responsibilities of an officer is to find and train his or her replacement! It’s great to be the guide on the side, helping another member grow and step up to leadership.
At the district level, many, many leadership positions are awaiting, some requiring a high level of commitment for an entire year and others requiring a few hours of work on an occasional basis. Roles requiring submission of a letter of intent to run for office (due Jan. 31st) include the “trio” of District Governor, Lt. Governors of Education and Training and of Marketing, and the six Division Governor positions. Other leadership roles are by appointment: Area Governors, Secretary, Treasurer, SAA, and a host of committee chairmanships. Information for elected positions may be found at https://www.d25toastmasters.org/leadership/. Each leader, whether elected or appointed, needs many volunteers to make our district successful. You don’t have to be a chief: You can also develop leadership skills in a supporting role.
McCallister |
At our upcoming Toastmaster Leadership Institutes, we will address leadership opportunities. Region 3 International Director David McCallister will discuss opportunities at our Lunch and Learn workshop Jan. 21 TLI at Texas Wesleyan. A brief discussion will also be presented at UNT on Jan. 28th. Or attend our Leadership Open House March 10th. Consider coming to one or all of these events to learn about how you can put your special skills to use (and develop new skills!). Register for TLI at https://www.d25toastmasters.org/tli/index.htm.
Go online at https://www.d25toastmasters.org/helpwanted.html to find a list of positions and apply to take advantage of the myriad leadership opportunities in District 25.
The opportunities for leadership in Toastmasters International are truly infinite. I wish you Happy Leadership Adventures in 2012, to Infinity and Beyond! Happy New Year!
Bonne Stroman
Lt. Governor Education and Training
By Jodie Jodie Sanders