A New Member’s Testimonial

A New Member’s Testimonial

By Ebony Bradley

Toastmaster Ebony Bradley recently joined the Six Twenty Nine Club and agreed to perform a demonstration speech related to navigating Pathways. After Ebony’s speech, the Pathways Chairman asked her to share her impression of navigating a Pathways project now that she had some practice. Here is Ebony’s response:


In my opinion, the exercise of preparing for my presentation removed the mystery and difficulty of maneuvering around a Pathways project. When I became a Toastmaster, Pathways overwhelmed me. By experimenting within Pathways and considering what I would say to my fellow members navigating within a Pathways project became easy. I found it nice and helpful during a practice session when another member shared their journey navigating a similar Pathways project. The interchange of ideas made me feel more comfortable since I learned others had similar challenges. Based on this experience, I recognize that every member can easily learn Pathways if they take a little bit of time to look/play around in a project.