OCTOBER – Inspired by You!

OCTOBER – Inspired by You!

By Ninfa, DTM, District Director

If you never try, then you’ll never know…

This phrase applies to many aspects in our lives, perhaps you have been hesitant to make a professional change? Maybe you have been scared to be Toastmaster for the first time?  If you never try, then you’ll never know that you are an amazing Toastmaster or Area Director OR District Director!  Without that decision to try, you will never know what you are capable of!

In D25 we have many leaders who have stepped outside of their comfort zone and taken on a new responsibility or role.

Have you ever thought about the amount of effort it takes to host an event or put together a training session? D25 hosts some of the best events for our members! There are many teams who work these events.

Perhaps you have served on a committee? Maybe you have been the chairperson for a past event? If so, then thank you!! What a way to step out and grow your leadership skills!!

For the many who have not served on a committee, have you attended a Conference or Summit? If not, I am asking you to give it a try! Each year our events seem to get better and better! We have figured out how to host events in person, online and hybrid! Much thought and effort go into every detail of each event!

In this edition, I know you will see an article on the upcoming Summit, I am asking you to give it a try.  If you haven’t been to a District 25 event or if you haven’t been to a Summit, you should make a real effort to attend!

There are in person and virtual registration options, with access to education sessions that will focus on tools to help you in Toastmasters, Leadership, and Personal Development.

A District-Wide Area Council Meeting, Education Sessions, Keynote Speakers, Leadership Open House, and D25s DTM Ceremony are some of the events available throughout the day!

I am looking forward to attending the Summit in November. You can register today!

If you have never been, I invite you to attend.  If you never try, then you’ll never know just how much fun we have at D25 Events!! I would love to see you there!!

As always, I am Inspired by YOU!