By Jamie Pickering, DTM, District Director
April 6, 2020
Dear District Leaders, On March 15, the Board of Directors announced that no District, Division, or Area events can be held in person, on or prior to June 1, 2020. This decision has impacted District processes and activities that are customarily conducted at in-person events. Therefore, the Board has made exceptions to several sections of the Toastmasters International governing documents. These exceptions are intended to reduce the complexity of normal annual District Council meeting processes that now need to be conducted online and allow all candidates greater opportunities to communicate with the voting members. Effective immediately and until further notice, the following exceptions supersede the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII: Officers, (e) Floor Candidates; Protocol 9.0: District Campaigns and Elections; and Policy 9.1: International Campaigns and Elections as follows: District Operations:
International Officer and Director Campaigning:
We realize that we are temporarily reversing previous decisions. However, due to to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) we must take appropriate action in the best interest of our members and our organization. Please stay in communication with the District Leader Support team at so that appropriate support and guidance can be provided. Sincerely, District Leader Support Team This email has been sent to all District Directors, Program Quality Directors, and Club Growth Directors. |