-By Greg Pick, DTM
Education Programs
Pathways rolled out in District 25 on February 13, 2018, in District 25. The transition period is the period from February 13, 2018, through June 30, 2020. During this period, any member in our district who had been a member prior to February 13, 2018, can complete education awards under the traditional program, start in Pathways or progress through both programs in parallel. Anyone who becomes a member after February 13, 2018, must participate in Pathways.
Obtaining Your Paths
Individuals who were members prior to Pathways rollout will get one (1) Path free. Members belonging to two (2) or more clubs at the time of rollout (February 13, 2018) can receive an additional Path at no charge so long as they are still a member in two or more clubs. (Maximum of 2 Paths free)
The first Path can be obtained by taking the Pathways assessment and choosing a Path.
To get the second path free, contact supplyorders@toastmasters.org or call (720) 439 5050 and ask for supply orders; after verifying that you were a member in more than one club at the time of rollout, you will be provided a second path free of charge.
Members who join Toastmasters now and anyone who joined after the District 25 rollout (February 13, 2018) get one free path after taking their assessment. Any additional path will cost $20.
Having Difficulty
If you are having difficulty navigating through Pathways, contact your vice president education or contact Greg Pick, District Pathways Coordinator. They will find you an answer your questions?
Base Camp Manager
Pathways automatically assigns the club’s vice president education the Base Camp manager role. The president and secretary are also given authority to act as the base camp manager if the vice president education is unavailable.