3 Pathways Ice Breakers- About Traci, Frederick, & Brian

3 Pathways Ice Breakers- About Traci, Frederick, & Brian

Alliance Networks February 20, 2018 meeting was one to remember!  Just one week into Pathways and we had three Pathways Ice Breakers.

The speech titles were “About Fredrick”, “About Traci” and “About Brian”.

Traci and Fredrick are new to Toastmasters and excellent speakers.  Their speeches were inspiring, organized, and professionally delivered.  They joined February 11, just before the Pathways roll out to District 25 on February 13.  It was fun to process their applications knowing they would get the benefit of the traditional materials but ready to start their Toastmasters journey in Pathways.

Brian is a seasoned Toastmaster but at a point in his Toastmasters journey that transition to Pathways was appropriate.

Our three evaluators did a great job with the new format.  We had a few Pathways teaching moments as the meeting progressed.

As the Base Camp Managers we are excited about each member’s Pathway journey as well as earning more about our duties as Pathways Base Camp Managers.  There is a wealth of resources available.

Glenda Curry, ACB/ALB
President, Alliance Networks
Club #5718

Diana Patton, DTM
VP Education/Base Camp Manager, Alliance Networks
Club #5718

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