District 25 Needs Your Eyes and Ears!

District 25 covers a very large geographical area. Within our District, there are so many under-served areas that could benefit from the Toastmasters program. Take a look at this map of District 25. There are a lot of areas that don’t have clubs and there is no way any one person can know about all those areas. That’s where YOU come in. District 25 needs your “eyes and ears.”  .

Are you a Toastmaster Evangelist like me? Has Toastmasters changed your life for the better? Are you a firm believer in the proven Toastmasters program? If so, then I need your “eyes and ears” to be on the lookout for new club leads.

In a “Neighborhood Watch” all the people in the neighborhood are an extension of the “eyes and ears” of the local police department. You to could be an extension of the “Club Growth Watch Team”, I need your help to identify new club growth opportunities in areas that you work, worship, and live in.

Do you spend your days in a corporate environment? Does your company currently have a Toastmasters club? If you do, is there room for a 2nd or possibly even a third club? Maybe your company is already a “Corporate Sponsor,” one of the companies on the Toastmasters International list of companies that sponsor Toastmasters Clubs, but they don’t have a club locally. All you have to do is provide the name of a contact person and their contact information and the “Club Growth Team” will take it from there.

Where else can you find possible club leads? What about where you worship? Do you attend a large worship center or church that could benefit from the Toastmasters program?

And what about the area you live in? Area there Toastmasters clubs close by?

You can be a District 25 hero and even become a sponsor or a mentor of a newly formed Toastmaster club, which is one of the requirements to complete your Advanced Leader Silver, a major stepping stone on your way to achieving your Distinguished Toastmaster. Just provide the Club Growth Team with contact information and we’ll do the rest!

Open up those eyes and ears and be on the lookout for club growth opportunities in District 25. Help spread the word of the proven Toastmasters program, become a District 25 Club Growth Hero!

Chuck Mencke, DTM
Club Growth Director – 2015-2016
District 25 Toastmasters