Reflections of Shining in Orlando 2012

D25 –
We Let It Shine at the 2012 International Convention.
The 81st Toastmasters International Convention in Orlando, Florida August 15-19 are 5 days I’ll not easily forget. Here are a few highlights and memories I’d like to share.
Rushing into the opening ceremonies (thanks to David Martin and Diana Pittman) Wednesday evening to see Bonne Stroman carry in flag to the opening ceremonies and sit with other members of District 25. 
Breakfast bright and early on Thursday morning with members of District 25 that attended the convention.
Hall of Fame at 9:00 AM Thursday morning – on the stage with members of District 25 and others from Districts in Region 3 to share was the highlight of the convention – receiving recognition on behalf of the District for being a Distinguished district (#16 out of 86 Districts) as well as recipient of the ‘Excellence in Leadership’ award.

Isabelle Cox did an amazing job representing our District in the semi-final International Speech Contest on Thursday evening.

Sitting with Bonne Stroman, Dean Lampman and David Martin at the special Golden Gavel dinner Friday evening hearing the cheers from all those in the room for our district as I walked proudly down the aisle. 
Sharing our table with leaders of the Malaysia made it even more special.
 The Golden Gavel evening was complete with presentation by John Maxwell. 
Saturday was action packed with business meeting, lunch with President-elect George Yen and his wife . . .
and a very special time with members of Region 3 as we said goodbye to Lark Doley our Region Advisor for the past two years.
Saturday evening Presidential reception and dinner was the final touch to a great and memorial convention.
District 25 – You let it shine during 2011-2012. Keep up the good work in 2012-2013 as you ‘Explore the Possibilities’.
Diana Patton, DTM
Immediate Past District Governor, District 25_________________________________________________________

Attending my first Toastmasters International Convention is something I will never forget.  The positive energy, global insights, friendly people, and opportunities for personal growth made the experience outstanding.

The realization of the positive impact our organization is having all over the world reaffirmed my thankfulness for the opportunity District 25 has given me to assist in helping Toastmasters International meet our members needs while expanding our network of members and clubs.

Perhaps many of you do not realize that there are over 280,000 members in 13,500 clubs located in 116 countries!  World Headquarters has about 115 employees.  How amazing that this organization has so many volunteers…so many people who believe in the value of the Toastmasters program and are willing to work very hard to make Toastmasters International successful!

I met people from all parts of the world.  Our accents may be a little different but our common bond of Toastmasters friendship made the events fun and memorable.  There were no strangers just friends I hadn’t met yet.

My days in District training were long and intense.  Bonne, Dean, and I had our days (and nights) filled with classes, interviews, networking, and homework.

It was a week to remember.  A week to celebrate the success of the 2011-2012 distinguished district status.      

I am thankful to be a part of this empowering organization.

Marylee Mims, DTM
Lt. Governor Marketing



Thank you, District 25, for sending me to my second Toastmasters
International Convention! It was a privilege to attend; here’s what I’ll remember
from Orlando:



  All of us from D25 enjoyed
seeing Bonne Stroman carry in the flag of Turkey and all the colorful pageantry
reminiscent of the Olympics.  We then heard
an awesome speech by Joel Manby, author of Love
, a book on the timeless principles of servant leadership.



Hall of
Fame Ceremony.
Our D25 group crossed
the stage as a Distinguished district — ranked #16 in the world and one of only
40 Distinguished districts (out of nearly 90). What a thrill! Everyone put in so
much hard work and it was worth it!  



  We dined with a delightful
set of district leaders from Malaysia who we hope to see again at the August
2014 convention in Kaula Lampur. John Maxwell, author of 70 books on
leadership, gave an outstanding, often hilarious, keyno
speech. I then met him while he signed two books.  I came away inspired and ready to apply what
I’ve learned.  



Leader Training:
  Bonne, Marylee and
I gained insight on our specific roles and how to work effectively as a team.  It was great to meet and learn from others
who share the same roles.  We return with
ideas and confidence. We’re poised to help D25 continue a tradition of success.



  Marylee and I had the honor
of serving as judges in two different speech contest semifinals and our D25 attendees
were present to watch Isabelle Cox represent the district with her wonderful speech.  Later, we met and spoke with Ryan Avery, the
youngest International Speech Contest winner ever, who won it all with a speech
titled, “Trust is a Must.” Though he lives in Portland, OR, he has roots in
Texas and is now considering our invitation to visit us. 



Board Elections:
Bonne, Marylee and I spent hours interviewing those who want to serve as
Toastmasters International board members; we also heard them speak at a candidate
showcase.  You’d be pleased to hear the
passion these individuals have for Toastmasters and their great ideas for advancing
our favorite volunteer organization.  I
enjoyed working with Bonne and Marylee in this process and I think we represented
your needs and interests accurately.



I could not have asked for a better convention
experience.  Thank you again for sending
Dean Lampman
Lt. Governor Education