Evening to Shine, Event to Remember

District 25’s Awards Banquet, Saturday, August 25, 2012


It was 5:30 and the doors opened. The Awards Banquet Committee was ready to meet and greet the Toastmasters and guests. Hopefully we had all things covered. As the Ashton Depot staff stated, you get them in the door and we will take careof them.


Michael Sheridan, Bill Erwin and Gary Chiu had worked most of the day. The stage was ready, the stairs stabilized, signs up and had handled all of the “to do” items we could think of.



Pat Quick and Brenda Daniels arrived with the decorations. Brenda created some beautiful floral arrangements. Pat Quick had beautiful center pieces at each table. Ivory candles reflected off a mirrored center piece that made the table shine.


Cindy Jones and Cristina Rodriguez were at the registration table ready to greet the guests. Our ushers showed everyone to their seats. The candles were lit and we
were preparing to begin the program.



Mary Walker, Awards Banquet Chair, opened the meeting and our Distinguished Toastmaster, David Martin, was our emcee for the evening. He led us through the
program with member and club awards. We had stand ups, members to the stage for pictures and lots of the guest were also taking pictures. Mark Novak, was busy
keeping up with all of our award presentations.


Steve Bomar was there of Bomar Photography offering us an opportunity to have a professional photo made. This was a great opportunity since we were all dressed up for the evening. Take a look at Steve Bomar’s website to view the pictures.



We can’t have an Awards Banquet without a Roast. David Leake made a great presentation on Diana Patton’s history in Toastmasters. We had a variety of pictures and styles of Diana as a Toastmaster. David gave us an overview of telephone conversations with Diana. He was still talking and she had hung up. Maybe you have experienced this also. Diana Patton, Bonne Stroman and Dean Lampman were on the stage for the Special Recognition Awards. How great it is to recognize our Toastmaster members at this event? How they have grown in their leadership and speaking skills. One I might mention could not even get out the one minute “Think on Your Feet” speech when that person joined Toasmasters.



Dean Lampman prepared a special video to recognize Diana. Some of us can look pretty silly at times and of course someone always has a camera ready. It was all in good fun.


Steve Charters kept the screen shots going as we proceeded through the program. Margaret Koprek kept us on track with the lectern book. The sound was provided by Scott Shirley, and we all enjoyed a little dancing after the banquet wasadjourned.


In closing, Bonne Stroman presented pins to Diana Patton, Dean Lampman and Marylee Mims with the theme “Explore the Possibilities”. Bonne adjourned the meeting thanking everyone for attending. Then the networking began. You know how Toastmasters are when they get an opportunity to talk.


What an evening. You all made it happen. See you at the next one.


Awards Banquet Chair


Go here to see all the pictures:   http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.517608324932943.139612.220279364665842&type=3 


By Julie Cosgrove