New Officers Are Ready to Step Up

Kathy Brewer, Amelinda Salas, Chuck Mencke, Greg Pick, Tisha Randle, Mike Kinser

Six new division governors are poised to step into their new leadership roles after being elected at the District Council meeting. Here’s a little bit about them.

Division A: Mike Kinser, ACB, ALB has been the Area 14 Governor this year. He has served his home club, Weatherford Toastmasters, in several officer roles.

Division B: Tisha Randle, ACS, ALS has previously served the district as Awards Chair and Area 54 Governor in addition to holding several offices in her home club, Inner Voice Toastmasters.

Division C: Greg Pick, ACS, ALB has been the Area 31 Governor this year, and has held office many times in his home club, Ryan Plaza Toastmasters.

Division D: Chuck Mencke, ACS, ALB has been the Public Relations Officer this year. He has served as an officer in Plus-Two and his current home club, Top Notch Toastmasters.

Division E: Amelinda Salas, ACS, ALB has been the Area 51 Governor this year and held several leadership roles in her home club, Denton Toastmasters.

Division F: Kathy Brewer, ACB, ALB has served as the Area 65 Governor this year and been an officer in Flagship Speakers and MidCities Achievers.

All six have many Toastmasters accomplishments to their credit, and we expect them to add to that account considerably in the coming year.

Jodie Sanders

News Editor