Change Is In The Wind!

Change Is In The Wind!

by Lola Stone IP5, LD4 – D25 Contest Coordinator

Fellow Toastmasters:

March is the month when Spring is in the air, bringing the winds of change!  Can you feel the change coming? March is also the month of our Speech Contests.

Area Evaluation and International Speech Contests are continuing! Speech contests are like no other experience! I highly encourage you to participate as a contestant, contest helper or just as an audience member. Our Evaluation Test speakers are amazing! Our International speech contestants’ speeches are very inspiring and motivational. Our Evaluation speech contestants are quite proficient in the art of evaluation. The variety of approaches, techniques and analytical observations will surely complement your existing evaluation skills.

Our area speech contests are so successful because our Area Directors and Contest Chairs are leading great teams. Planning, preparation, and recruiting have been going on for a few months even though everyone is busy with full-time jobs, families, and school activities. They have strived to ensure an even playing field for all contestants and to ensure the event is fun, entertaining, and an opportunity to network with other Toastmasters.

Let the winds of change inspire you to feel the excitement by attending these contests and learning from the best speakers in District 25. Below is the information for the remaining area speech contests scheduled on March 24, 25th and 26th. Are you going to be attending one or more of them? I certainly hope you will.

Upcoming Area Speech Contests
Thursday – 03/24/22
Area 34 – B: 6:00pm/C:7:00pm – Zoom
Area 64 – B: 6:00pm/C:7:00pm – Zoom

Friday – 03/25/22
Area 33 – B: 6:00pm/C:7:00pm – Zoom
Area 62 – B: 6:00pm/C:7:00pm – Zoom

Saturday – 03/26/22
Area 35: B: 8:00am/C: 9:00am – Zoom
Area 32: B: 11:00am/C: 12:00pm – Zoom
Area 31: B: 2:00pm/C: 3:00pm – Zoom

Area 65: B: 8:00am/C: 9:00am – Zoom
Area 63: B: 11:00am/C: 12:00pm – Zoom
Area 61: B: 2:00pm/C: 3:00pm – Zoom

Area Contest winners move forward to the Division Contests which begin in April. Information on the Division contests can be found on the Area & Division Contest Schedule page.

I’ll “see” you soon at one of the upcoming Area Speech Contests.