by Greg Pick, DTM Pathways Coordinator
Are you ready for your dose of leadership? The eleven paths have a defined mixture of communication and leadership, along with electives, that allow you to customize your learning experience to achieve your goals. Beginning with Level 3, the curriculum builds leadership into the Pathways Learning Experience depending on the Path selected. One way to view the amount of leadership involved is to divide the paths into four groups as shown below:
Public speaking has no required leadership unless you elect leadership projects. Light leadership has a couple of small projects. Moderate leadership will require development of short‑term projects with a couple of team members. Strong leadership has larger and/or long‑term projects with a team of coworkers or members. The easiest way to determine the differences in the projects is to visit the descriptions on the District 25 website on the Pathways Resources page. You can access the projects here:
Leadership and communication are entwined since you cannot lead without communicating your vision, goals and plans.
Pathways will take you wherever you choose. My question to you is “How much Leadership do you want?”