By Diana Patton, DTM, District Webmaster
Our District 25 clubs have had lots to celebrate throughout the first half of our 2019-2020 Toastmaster year. It was especially evident during the holiday season. Our 2019-2020 focus: Celebrating You, Seventy Years Strong has been a reminder to find reasons to celebrate our members, clubs and District.
Check out pictures from club, area, and district holiday events. More pictures to be added!
For all 2019-2020 events check out photo albums here.
Southlake Afterburners Afterburners
ARBOR Toastmasters ARBOR Toastmasters BNSF Expressed
Highway to Excellence Highway to Excellence Highway to Excellence
Grand Orators Speak Up New Life World Renowned Grand Prairie
Off the Cuff Off the Cuff Off the Cuff