Rules of the Road-Club Success Workshop

Rules of the Road-Club Success Workshop

By Chris Raneri, DTM, Club Growth Director

Remember when we could just make up our own rules to conduct business in our Toastmasters clubs?  Oh wait! We always had to follow parliamentary procedures, we just didn’t know what they were or how to implement them.  Club business like elections, passing motions, and budgeting are common things that have specific rules to follow that we often create our own rules or have incorrect procedures passed down from officer to officer over time.  For example, the first time I witnessed a club election, the officer nominations were discussed, then written on a white board and voted on within the same hour.  We assumed there was a real procedure to do this, but we didn’t know what it was or where to find it.

On April 6th, two of our past district leaders, DTMs Cindy Hinckley and Jodie Sanders will set the record straight and provide us answers on the correct parliamentary rules to follow for club business and much, much more. Take the opportunity to learn this valuable information that will not only strengthen your club, but increase your knowledge on the best way to conduct an exceptional meeting.

You can register and find more information here.