Club Coach Program Change – Year’s Service for DTM

Club Coach Program Change – Year’s Service for DTM

Toastmasters International has announced a temporary change in the Club Coach program.  For those of you who are trying to complete requirements for Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) before June 30, 2020 this may be of interest to you.

Any member who successfully completes their role as a club coach by June 30, 2019 or June 30, 2020, will receive credit for having served in a district leader role in addition to club coach credit. This dual credit can be applied toward two separate awards. As an example, the club support role can be applied to a traditional program ALS (until the traditional education program ends in June 30, 2020) and the district leadership credit applied toward a Pathways DTM.

Special notes for the club coach dual credit for club support and district leadership:

  •  This only applies to roles successfully completed on June 30, 2019 or June 30, 2020. Any club coach roles successfully completed prior to this do not qualify.
  •  This dual credit can be applied toward any DTM, whether it is a first, second or third, etc.
  •  This dual credit does not expire. It may be used now or anytime in the future, including for an award after July 2020.
  •  While club coaches during this period will be given credit toward a district leadership role, this credit and role will not affect their eligibility to compete in speech contests.
  • To apply the additional credit for district leadership, a club officer will need to complete a copy of the appropriate education award application and email it to Submissions containing the additional credit for district leadership cannot be processed online through Club Central.
  • The club support role of club coach may be included in the award submission by any active club officer through Club Central or by faxing or emailing the appropriate application to