Get Your Proxy In

Get Your Proxy In
Toastmasters International is committed to enhancing the member experience. In order to do that, they need to know what members want. Every year, at the International Convention, TI holds its Annual Business Meeting where our top Leadership is elected and proposed changes to the bylaws are approved. Your club has TWO votes to cast in this meeting.
How does that happen? Who votes? Who am I voting for? What are the proposals?
Oh, so many questions. I have the answers.
Prepare Your Members to Vote!;  an article in The Leader Letter that will give you more information on things you can do to help your club be more informed and become a part of the process. Links within the article, review the candidates and proposed amendments, will provide information on the candidates and the proposals.
Who votes? Your club President and club Secretary.
How do I vote? Two options: 1) attend the International Convention and cast the votes at the business meeting; 2) assign your proxy to a Toastmaster who is attending the convention.
How do I assign my proxy? Log in to Club Central on Toastmasters International.  Click to open the box that says “Club Proxy”. Once open, you will see three options: Send a Club Delegate, Designate District Director, Designate Active Toastmaster.
If someone from your club is going, allow them to carry your proxy. It’s a great experience. Click on the correlating box and follow directions. If no one from your club is going, Designate your District Director, or some other active Toastmaster. This option will usually be either your Program Quality Director or your Club Growth Director, as we are all going to be in attendance at the Business Meeting.
To designate Greg Pick, your District Director, click on the correlating box and follow the directions.
To designate Robi Ley, Program Quality Director, click on the third box and enter the following member number: 01344045.
To designate Jamie Pickering, Club Growth Director, click on the third box and enter the following member number: 01375394.
I encourage you to follow the above links to educate yourself and your clubs on the upcoming proposals. They do affect you as individual members, and as Toastmasters clubs. You help choose those who will represent the members on the Board of Directors. Talk to your clubs and when you assign your proxy, you will also see that you have the ability to tell your proxy holder how to vote; yes or no on proposals and your club’s choice of candidates. You don’t have to specify your choice, but you can, and your choice will be honored when the votes are cast.
Be part of the process. Ask questions of your Trio and we will help you with this process.
It’s your journey. Have a say in the direction it goes.
 by Robi Ley, Program Quality Director 2017-2018

Photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash