There are many reasons to look for a new club. Maybe you want an additional club for more speaking opportunities or an advanced club to improve your skills. For me, because of a change in my work location, it was no longer feasible to continue in my old club.
Here are some easy steps to help you find your new club:
1. Use the Toastmasters International website (http://reports.toastmasters.org/findaclub/) to identify the clubs in the area where you are looking.
2. Talk to other Toastmasters to see what they know about the clubs. The area and division governors are also a good source of information.
3. Select a club to visit.
4. Email the club’s contact to verify the club’s meeting time, date and location. This also gives the club a chance to provide any prerequisites for joining to ensure you meet their requirements. If no response, contact the area governor for assistance.
5. Visit the club at least twice and observe.
6. Join your new club.
Club webmasters:
To aid others in finding and joining your club, be sure that the club contact information and meeting information are current.
John Bergs
By Jodie Sanders