Diana Patton |
July 1, 2011, marked the beginning of a new Toastmaster year. I’m happy to have been elected as your District Governor for 2011-2012. This year is going to be amazing! I want each member, club officer, and district leader to imagine next June 30, 2012. Where do you want to be on your Toastmaster journey? Where does your club want to be? Each of us has a part to play in making our clubs a success. First we make ourselves successful by finding that light within that is our strength. We develop and share that strength with our clubs in order that they can also find their light and be successful.
How do we make that happen? We make a plan and work the plan.
Earl Nightingale
My challenge to you as a club member is to complete an education goal at least every 18 months. Check out your member profile on Toastmasters International website. When did you last achieve a goal? What do you need to do to achieve a new goal this year? Your club’s officers and fellow members are there to help you achieve your goals.
Our club officers should be working now to put together their Club Success Plan. Put names to those Distinguished Club goals. Make a plan and work the plan! Club Presidents, share the vision you have for your club with your officers and members on a regular basis. Have a positive attitude – it’s contagious! Spread the word about what makes your club great and work for continual improvement.
Already District leaders are assisting members by planning excellent training for club officers, providing the resources and tools to assist members and clubs achieve educational and membership goals, and offering that word of encouragement that makes all the difference. We want all officers and members to find their light and achieve their full potential.
Perhaps your club has been President’s Distinguished ten consecutive years. Perhaps your club came so very close to being Distinguished in 2010-2011. Perhaps your membership is below charter strength. During 2011-2012, if you, as a member, club officer, or district leader, make a plan and work the plan, if you can overcome past obstacles and build on strengths, I know we will have a successful year.
Let’s make 2011-2012 our best Toastmaster year. This year “Let It Shine!”
Diana Patton
District Governor
By Jodie Sanders