All Aboard!

The District 25 Fall Conference Education Sessions have many wonderful destinations for you! Save the date and make your reservation for the Educational event of the season. The District 25 Fall Conference will take you on a journey of discovery and adventure this November 15th and 16th at the Sheraton DFW. Just check out this line-up:

First we will look at the four amazing keynote speakers who will guide us on our journey.
Friday night, “Pack Your Bags Lightly” and prepare to chuckle with Claire Billingsley. Claire was recognized by the Dallas Journal as one of the “Top 25 Women to Watch” in 2010. She will take us on a humorous journey to discover the joy using “Laughter Yoga”. 

Saturday morning, hop on the early express train for “Leadership Lessons to Laugh About”, as Jim Key, the 2003 World Champion of Public Speaking will tickle your funny bones. You will laugh and have a great time, while learning leadership principles that will lead your journey to greater levels of success.

Saturday noon, prepare to take off and soar to new heights, with John Terrell, Vice President of Commercial Development at DFW Airport and Mayor of the City of Southlake. John will receive District 25’s Toastmasters Communication and Leadership award for his innovative, achievement in Commercial Development projects at DFW Airport uniting the DFW communities with a common purpose and vision.

Saturday night, prepare to be dazzled as our own J. Loren Norris, Attitude Engineer, will take you on a first class journey. Listen as a master storyteller navigates us through stormy seas and raging waters to reveal exciting insights into people, leadership and communication.

The day trips on Saturday will lead the attendees through three tracks of Communications, Leadership and Personal Growth. Chose from:

Communications: Jim Keys “Unjam the Dam: Tools to Stimulate your Speech Writing Creativity”, Keith Boepple: “Share the Power of your Personal Story” and David Hill (2004 finalist in the World Champion of Public Speaking) “What Happens in This House Gets Told in Public!”

Leadership: Steve Hansen, “Ten Commandments of Leadership”, Jim Gardner’s, “The Leadership Mindset”, and Carlos Merla with “The Core Events of Leadership”.

Personal Growth:  Dr. Bonita Vinson, “Get in the Drivers Seat! What Job Loss Taught Me About Life”, Chris Loney, “Everything in Life is Negotiable” and Kim Farbiz, “The Mental Game: Performing at Your Best When It Matters Most”.

But this is not all. There will be one more special session, for those conference attendees who are not required to attend the Business meeting at 11 am on Saturday morning, join Jyothi Charyulu with a special, interactive education session and discover the secrets to becoming a better leader and communicator.

You can go here for a complete description of all the education sessions. With delicious meals, the exciting District Final Evaluations and Humorous Speech Contests, networking, Toastmasters business meeting, awards ceremony and don’t forget Saturday night we will sail away with the memorable Distinguished Toastmaster Induction ceremony as the crowning event of the weekend!

Be sure to reserve your ticket today! Toastmasters can take you places you never imagined you could go. Get on Board!  You can hop on a train, jump on the bus, float on your boat or fly by jet airplane, it doesn’t matter how you go, just join us the District 25 Fall Conference on November 15th and 16th. To register for the conference, go the District 25 Fall 2013 Conference Page. I will see there!
Deb Sanford, DTM
District 25 2013 Fall Conference Education Chair