Your Club Can Rock This Conference!

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What do the following have in common?
1. One of three accredited speakers in North Texas
2. Nubbin Nose Ned from East Texas
3. Former Black Hawk Helicopter pilot, now a John Maxwell
    trained presenter
4. Past International Director, author, business-owner
5. Distinguished District 25 club member with life skills we can all use
6. Elvis with a desire to strengthen your club’s visibility

These are the education session presenters for YOUR District 25 Spring 2015 conference!
(1) Anne Barab, DTM, AS, will present a session on challenging assumptions that can ruin your life. (2) Teresa Wooten, DTM, District 50 Tall Tales Champion (aka Nubbin Nose Ned!) will help you make your speech POP! (3) Elizabeth McCormick, former US Army Black Hawk helicopter pilot will teach you to FLY (First Lead Yourself). (4) Heath Suddleson, Past Toastmasters International Director, author and trainer, will present an incredible session showing you how to make your life successful from a reality TV aspect. (5) Setma Maddox, DTM, District 25 member, will give you the tools to apply Toastmasters skills to our daily lives. (6) And of course, Elvis (aka Tracy Thomason) will be in the building!! He will help you build your club’s website, even if you are not a webmaster!!

Here is the opportunity of a lifetime for your club! Your club can sponsor any of these education session presenters for $50! Your club will have the honor of proudly hanging your club banner in the room during the presentation, introducing the session presenter, and wrapping up the session by presenting a token of appreciation for the speaker’s service to the club members of District 25 (gift provided by the conference committee). Contact Susan Gardner to sign up to sponsor one of these incredible sessions. Choosing which one to sponsor and which to attend might be the hardest decision you make all year!!

Submitted By
Susan Gardner
2015 Spring Conference Education Chair