We are down to the home stretch of our 2016 – 2017 Toastmasters Year.
Many of us established educational, leadership and membership goals last July. If we strive, we can still achieve our goals. I am asking the VP Education of the clubs I attend to schedule me for that last speech to get a Competent Communicator; at another club, I am working with fellow members to add those last two members to get back to charter strength.
In my experience, it takes time, patience and some effort but the goals can be achieved – conduct that open house, membership drive or talk to a close friend to get members or visit other clubs or speak each week in your club to finish those final two speeches.
As District officers, we have seen clubs and members accomplish more than they imagined many times. We want to see our members achieve their goals that they set last July for this year. If the members are successful then the club is successful and the dominos fall.
Greg Pick, DTM
Program Quality Director 2016-2017
District 25 Director 2017-2018
District 25 Director 2017-2018