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District 25 Spring Conference Sponsorships Now Available

Sponsorships for the District 25 Spring Conference “Journey of Excellence” Keynote Speakers and Educational Sessions are available for Clubs’ or Individuals’ donation of $50 or more.

Your sponsorship will be listed in the Conference Program and Clubs will have the opportunity to display the Club Banner during the selected session.

Don’t wait, sponsorships go quickly.

You can Sponsor a Keynote Speaker or Sponsor an Education Session.

Choose your Presenter and contact Brenda Daniels by email:

This promises to be an awesome and rewarding experience for our District 25 Members. I will see you on Friday and Saturday, May 19 & 20, 2017, at the Sheraton DFW Airport Hotel! Pack your bags and board the District 25 Journey to Excellence!

-Article submitted by Brenda Daniels, DTM, Sponsorship Chair