In Memory of Gary Smith, DTM, Past District 25 Governor

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Gary Smith, DTM, PDG

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Past District 25 Governor Gary Smith, DTM, originally from Abilene. He served in 1989-1990 before District 50 was created. Several Past District 25 Governors share their recollections belpw:

David McCallister, DTM, International Director:
Gary was a great leader of our district and will be greatly missed.

Pauline Shirley, DTM, Past International President, Past District 25 Governor:
Distinguished Toastmaster Gary Smith, Past District 25 Governor, was someone you could always depend upon whether in his role as a club officer or when he supported District efforts in a myriad of ways. When I was District 25 Governor, back in 1986-87, Gary made the meager technology we had at the time seem easy. We could always count on him to download the membership list and turn that into labels we used to mail out the paper edition of the District newsletter, “The Hotline.” Without his contributions the task would have been almost insurmountable. He was always at our “Hotline” parties, when we prepared the “Hotline” for mailing. The contributions he has made to the district and many clubs over the years have been major and always accomplished in a quiet unassuming way. You could depend upon Gary to uphold the standards, policies and by-laws of Toastmasters. His passing leaves a major gap in all of Toastmasters International. Gary Smith was one of a kind and is not replaceable.

Ron Smith DTM, Past District 25 Governor 1994-1995: 
I was the Mid-Cities Division Governor for Gary Smith, DTM when he was our District 25 Governor in 1989-1990. I remember Gary was a very active member of Oration Plus Toastmasters in the Las Colinas area of Irving in the 1980s and 1990s. He was always kind, considerate and helpful to any Toastmaster. I will keep both Gary and Peggy Smith in my thoughts and prayers. I will miss him.

Dr. Jeff Johnson, DTM, Past District 25 Governor 1996-1997:
Gary Smith was an amazing leader and effective speaker. I remember asking him at a District Conference in 1991 after hearing him deliver a phenomenal  speech “Gary, how long did it take you to write that awesome speech?” Gary said to me, “About an hour.” I was in awe and as I started to walk away, he continued, “… and 15 years to learn how.”  Gary and Peggy both proved to be wonderful blessings to both District 25 and 50. He will truly be missed.