Distinguished Toastmaster Ceremony

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DTM plaques and medallions waiting for the ceremony.

Seven new Distinguished Toastmasters (DTMs) shared in the special Distinguished Award Ceremony Saturday night, May 2, 2015, at the D25 Spring Conference. Many friends, relatives and fellow Toastmasters were present for the candlelight ceremony which immediately followed the Saturday evening dinner.

Jeanene Bell leading the procession.

The ceremony began with the lighting of the DTM candle, followed by the procession into the ballroom, of the seven candle carrying recipients.

Dena Crecy, DTM 
Toasting for Excellence

Jeanene Bell, DTM
Abilene Toastmasters 1071
Victor James, DTM
Nissan Toastmasters
Sonia Leza, DTM
United Communicators

Nora Loyd, DTM
Irving Toastmasters
Candy Robinson, DTM
Quicksilver Express
Elizabeth White, DTM
Lake Vista Toastmasters

Dena Crecy and District
Governor Marylee Mims

In the ceremony, they were each presented their DTM plaques and medallions by District 25 Governor, Distinguished Toastmaster Marylee Mims.

They were then given an opportunity to briefly speak about something important to them about their Toastmasters journey.

Each DTM was also given a burgundy velvet pouch embroidered with their name in gold lettering, in which they could keep their DTM medallion.

At the end of the evening, there was a receiving line to congratulate each person on their achievement.

It was an honor to meet these Toastmasters and follow their journey as they finished their goals on the way to their DTM award.

Submitted By
Sandra Price
DTM Chair