Club Officer Training Gets an Upgrade

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Exciting new changes are coming to our Officer Training this summer!  The upgraded training format is designed to better equip club officers as they fulfill roles individually and as a team. It will ensure that well-trained officers can create a quality club environment, thrive in the Distinguished Club Program, and “provide a supportive and positive learning experience” for their members.

The Saturday officer trainings will be from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon. To get credit for training, an officer must attend the general session and the specific officer session. Sign-in is required for both segments. Please be aware that your training will include the entire morning. No other electives will be offered during this time.

The change in format is due to new Toastmasters International guidelines for officer training. The requirement to attend both sessions is a change from past policy and will be implemented at all TLI dates. Just as before, a club must have a minimum of 4 officers trained to get the DCP (Distinguished Club Program) credit.

At the June 28th TLI we are offering a Lunch & Learn contest judges class immediately after the officer training. Later TLI dates will have other Lunch & Learn programs so check back on the TLI page for more information.

Officer training dates and other information can be accessed on the TLI page. Preregistration is appreciated so there will be ample supplies for attendees.