Double Your Speaking & Leadership Fun — Join Another Club and See the Toastmasters World

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Why belong to just one Toastmasters club?

Consider joining an advanced or specialty club! You’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Take your communication skills to a higher level
  • Speak more often
  • Network with other Toastmasters outside your regular club

The following clubs each have their own prerequisites for membership and provide different opportunities for you. Contact them through their websites for more information.

All these clubs welcome visitors to their meetings!

Dream Team Members Club #3332446

Our mission is to provide a warm, welcoming, and nurturing environment for individuals seeking advanced training to accelerate their speaking and leadership skills. Many current members are DTM’s and willingly share their extensive experience by providing in-depth evaluations.

The meeting schedule allows for longer advanced manual speeches as well as quarterly workshops.

We are a great second club for Toastmasters looking for advanced speaking and leadership opportunities. Completion of the Competent Communicator educational award is required to join.

Michael Sheridan

Off the Cuff Club #4354

We take Toastmasters seriously, but we also enjoy ourselves. (That’s why we have the role of Fun Master!) We share a potluck dinner then have three speeches, evaluations and Table Topics.

We’re called “Off the Cuff” because that’s the kind of speeches we do. The toastmaster creates broad-based topics that follow a theme, then the speakers have five minutes to think up an opening, three points, and a conclusion.

We aren’t an advanced club, but most of us feel that the first time through the CC manual should be done within the structure of a traditional club. Our speeches are always manual speeches.

Jodie Sanders

Out on the Town Club #897575

Out on the Town Toastmasters is an advanced club which provides excellent mentoring and camaraderie for its members and guests. With many Distinguished Toastmasters holding officer positions within the club, “OOTT” provides an ideal environment for you to develop your more advanced speeches, receive helpful feedback, and experience a high level of leadership in action.

With seven years of history, we’ve enjoyed a variety of areas within District 25 as we discover new and interesting restaurants to explore. Join us while out on the town, the second Saturday of each month.
Larry Vance

The Evaluators #03761504

The Evaluators is a newly chartered advanced club that was created with the concept of enhancing evaluation skills. Each speech evaluation is also evaluated, just as speeches are.

Many of our members are Distinguished Toastmasters who bring experience and knowledge to the meetings. The club draws members from both District 25 and District 50. Membership criteria include dual membership and recommendation by another member.

Aisha Muhammad

Speakers Exchange Club #633836

The oldest Advanced Club in the district, Speakers Exchange focuses on honing and polishing presentation skills on a professional level, and has historically been known as the proving ground and springboard for D25 Speakers Bureau members and even NSA affiliation.

Our twice-monthly meetings alternate between “Open” meetings which afford opportunities for members to practice their upcoming presentations, keynotes or core speeches, and “Theme” meetings where we share knowledge about the “extras” such as developing resources for back-of-room sales, finding gigs, leveraging social media and web platforms, and becoming acclimated to sound and lighting systems.

Membership is open to dual members with CC’s, and new members who already have experience and are comfortable when giving professional-level presentations.

Sara Boepple