Improving Retention, Accelerating Growth

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District 25 in 2013-2014 seeks to improve member retention and accelerate growth. Here’s how:

District Focus: Our 2013-2014 focus, “Looking Forward, Giving Back” involves helping new Toastmasters look forward and see the benefits of a long journey in Toastmasters. Getting a Competent Communicator (CC) award is just a place to start. Going further can take members places they never knew they’d reach. Experienced members can give back by mentoring and motivating new members on their journey.

Dream Team Members: This new program complements our district focus. It seeks to help clubs sustain and grow their membership by connecting new members with more experienced ones who can motivate and mentor them. If you’ve got valuable experience to share, become a Dream Team Member (DTM). If you’re a new Toastmaster, ask your club officers about working with a Dream Team Member. You’re encouraged to learn more.

Helping Hands: Through this program, a Helping Hands team supports clubs whose membership has dipped but could bounce back with some extra hands and fresh ideas for stronger meetings. Volunteers attend three or four consecutive meetings. Again, it’s easy to learn more.
Individual efforts: None of these programs can work without the strong efforts of individual clubs and members. Retention requires that members achieve personal goals. Club growth requires that members find and invite guests to meetings and that those guests see members learning and having fun. We each play a vital role in making this happen.
Rewards and incentives: Clubs and members that do what’s needed to fulfill the club missionshould be recognized and rewarded for their valuable work. Each year, District 25 implements promotions and award programs to accomplish this. Four awards / rewards programs were added or revised this year to encourage actions that facilitate member retention and growth:
·         Elite Member and Star Awards (revised, for members)
·         Dream Team Member Program Rewards (added, for members and clubs)
·         Looking Forward, Giving Back Rewards (added, for clubs)
·         Score BIG!(added, for clubs)
Appropriate programs and resources are in place to improve member retention and achieve our growth goals across District 25. Please join us – and do all you can – as we implement and refine, if necessary, these important initiatives. Thank you for your past and future contributions! 

Dean Lampman
District 25 Governor