Round Up!

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We had a promotion! We had winners! We had a Round Up! The D25 Round Up promotion promised a Chuck Wagon Dinner to the three clubs adding the most new members in May. And add new members they did!
Our first place winner of the Round Up promotion was GM Toastmasters, with an astounding 18 new members added!  Lake Vista, in second place, added 10 new members, and Energizers secured third place with the addition of 6 members.

GM Toastmasters

GM Toastmasters chose August 8 to enjoy a meal of stew, cornbread, sweet tea, and dessert served up by district officers. The club held a fun filled meeting followed by food and fellowship!

Lake Vista Toastmasters

Lake Vista decided to combine an Open House on August 14 with their Round Up. A turnout of 40 members and guests joined in the fun and food, again served by district officers.

Energizers was the final winner of the Round Up Promotion. They had their “chuck wagon dinner” on Sept 4. It was delivered to the club’s meeting by District Governor, Dean Lampman and Lt. Governor Education and Training, Marylee Mims.

Energizers Toastmasters

All in all, District officers enjoyed visiting enthusiastic, dynamic clubs, and clubs enjoyed the food and fun. Congratulations to the winning clubs! We encourage all clubs to Round Up new members throughout the year. Bringing new Toastmasters into the herd brings in new blood to revitalize and re-energize our clubs. So let’s keep on Roundin’ ‘Em Up!

Marylee Mims, Bonne Stroman, Diana Patton

Bonne Stroman
Immediate Past District Governor