Connection Communicators Order the Open House/Golden Gavel Combo — And It’s Good

Home / Club Events / Connection Communicators Order the Open House/Golden Gavel Combo — And It’s Good

The Connection Communicators Toastmasters Club had a successful open house on March 21. The club posted flyers in the elevators and other common areas in the Nokia Siemens Networks building where the meetings are held and in other nearby buildings.

The twelve guests were treated to pizza, two excellent speeches and evaluations, and Table Topics. Some of the guests answered Table Topics questions. Five of the guests returned the next week, two have joined, and we expect two or three more to join this week.

There were 17 club members present and all requirements were met for a Golden Gavel meeting.

Pictures were sent to the district and placed on the Connection Communicators Facebook page.

During the question-and-answer session at the end of the meeting, the husband of the toastmaster of the meeting said that he was so impressed by the improvement of his wife that they were trying to start a club at his workplace in Dallas (in District 50).

The meeting was a great success with credit going to the officers and their diligent work.

John Bergs
Connection Communicators #771978