Our District is Growing!

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What an exciting time to be part of District 25 Toastmasters. Our family of clubs is growing. We have added one new club so far this month. Welcome CoServ Toastmasters! This group is going to be a wonderful addition to our district.

But that’s not all! There are more on the way. Something to Talk About in Mineral Wells and Mitchell Confident Communicators in Coppell have completed their paperwork. Both of these groups are already going strong, and even sent officers to officer training. Before they were chartered! Now, that’s motivation. We also have two more in the pipeline that are working toward chartering as well. Stay tuned for more news on progress in those areas.

Michael Sheridan led the demo meeting for the new Mineral Wells club

Two more demo meetings are coming up in the next two weeks, and we are continually seeking out new opportunities. Your marketing team is actively working leads and spreading the word about Toastmasters. If you want to know when demo meetings are scheduled, send me an email to robiley@d25toastmasters.org and I will add you to the distribution list. We use Sign Up Genius. You’ll get the email with all the demo meeting information and if you are available, you simply sign up, and show up. If you’ve never been part of a demo team, you’re missing out on a lot of fun.

Do you have an idea for a club? Do you know a community group or business that can benefit from what Toastmasters has to offer? Talk to me! Send me contact information and let’s see what we can accomplish together.

In other news; we completed our first Speechcraft session at the Greater Irving/Las Colinas Chamber. There were 21 participants, and I expect a few more at our second session on Sep 22. We’ve already had some great feedback from that first meeting, and it will only get better. There’s no telling how much our district will benefit from this. Thanks go out to Cindy Hinckley for being instrumental in getting the district into the Chamber and getting the Speechcraft rolling.

Keep up the good work. Our family of clubs is growing, and we will continue to do so with your help. Bring me your ideas, contacts, and leads. Let’s do this together and we will Experience Excellence.

Contributing Author: Robi Ley