World Renowned Grand Prairie Toastmasters celebrated their 30th Anniversary Saturday June 4 at the Rio Mambo (Ballpark) Restaurant. There were about 40 people in attendance. Bascom Warden, Bob Conrad, Ron Smith and Leonard Malley, all Distinguished Toastmasters, gave speeches. It was great to see former Toastmasters and meet new Toastmasters and how well the club is doing after 30 years. We are Bold, We are Proud, We are World Renowned !
Ron Smith DTM, It was great to see former Toastmasters and meet new Toastmasters and how well the club is doing after 30 years. Thank you for inviting me to attend and to speak briefly It was truly wonderful. We are Bold, We are Proud, We are World Renowned !
Rick Pena
On behalf of World Renowned Grand Prairie Toastmasters I would like to welcome you to our 30th Year Anniversary celebration.