If you are having trouble logging into Toastmasters International, you may be encountering a compatibility issue that currently exists between Internet Explorer 10.0 and the Toastmasters International website. This compatibility issue may prevent members from logging in.
You can use another browser such as Firefox or Google Chrome to access the website or use this workaround to allow the use of Internet Explorer.
IE 10.0 Workaround:
- Confirm you are using Internet Explorer 10.0. On the far right hand corner there should be a gear icon, click on the icon, scroll down and click on About Internet Explorer a window will pop up with the version of the browser.
- Enter the website address in the browser URL bar: www.toastmasters.org
- Right click on the gear icon (top right-hand corner) and make sure you have Menu Bar checked
- On the Menu Bar (usually bellow the URL bar), click on the Tools drop down menu
- Choose Compatibility View Settings
- A window will come up and you should notice the TI website address under “Add the website.” Go ahead and click on “Add” and it now should be in the “Websites you’ve added to Compatibility View:” Click close.
- Close out your browser completely and re-open it. You should now be able to access the TI website and login normally.
Best Regards,
Antonio Kontokanis
Member Services
Toastmasters International