Summit Talent 2018
Summit Talent
Dana Morgan Barnes
Dana Morgan Barnes
Follow Your Road of Kindness
In this interactive presentation, we will share how kindness can build your business, grow your clubs, enhance your relationships and possibly change the world. Be ready to be moved. Moved to Kindness!
Susan Carson
Susan Carson
The Art of Effective Evaluation: The Good, The Bad and The Stupendous!
It is truly impossible to get too much information on how to conduct an effective evaluation; therefore, we are offering two sessions from differing views on speech evaluations.
The first of two evaluation sessions, Susan will look at the benefits for the speaker, benefits for the evalutor, as well as benefits for the club. This is definitely a session you DON’T want to miss!
Allan Pickering
Allan Pickering
Your Map to Giving Valuable Evaluations!
If you can’t evaluate yourself, how will you be able to evaluate others? Evaluation is a key component of Toastmasters and Allan has been a key evaluator in Toastmasters for many years. In fact, he has been told by a number of Toastmasters, new and experienced, that this presentation has helped them give better evaluations, and more importantly, to have less dread about being an evaluator. Attend this session to find out what a Toastmasters evaluation is (and isn’t) and why it is crucial to you, your speakers and your club and how these skills apply outside of Toastmasters as well. You will learn various approaches to try and use in giving evaluators as well as join in a discussion on what is in an evaluation and how to perform a truly beneficial evaluation. This is a key skill for any Toastmaster to master and this session will provide you with the skills to do just that!
Evaluations are the heart of Toastmasters. Without powerful and effective evaluations how would we improve? How would we know what skills we already have? A Toastmasters Evaluation is one way to “pay-it-forward,” and help your fellow members. Also, giving feedback in a fashion like a Toastmasters Evaluation is a potent skill to possess in the real world. Get butterflies when it’s your turn to be Evaluator? Map your way to Evaluation success with this session!
Talent BIO:
Allan Pickering, DTM, has seen a great many Toastmasters speeches and evaluations in five or eight year history in District 25. Allan, joined his first club in 2013. However, he accompanied his wife, Jamie, to every contest and conference since 2009. He will tell you that there is one differentiator between Toastmasters and other organizations: the Toastmasters Evaluation. Competency in delivering a solid evaluation is an important skill for all Toastmasters both within club meetings and outside Toastmasters. Allan is here continuing his quest to get fellow members to think about how they evaluate.
Bindu Chintha
Bindu Chintha
Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today
Are you interested to learn about a program that will help young people develop communication & leadership skills? It is up to us to ensure that tomorrow’s leaders are strong and vibrant and have the skills they need to succeed! The Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program is designed to help young people develop effective communication skills, leadership skills and self-confidence. Children learn hard skills like math and science in school, but youth leadership program teaches them important soft skills such as leadership, creativity, persuasiveness and organization. In this session, you will learn
- What is Youth Leadership Program
- How participants benefit from program
- How to start YLP program in community
Come to this session to learn how you can be part of our successful future as we ensure our future leaders have the skills they need to lead and flourish!
Talent BIO:
Bindu Chintha is a certified Project Management Professional and has been in the fields of technology and leadership for more than 15 years. She is certified Yoga Teacher teaching yoga and mindfulness for more than 9 years.
Bindu has been a passionate member of Airport Toastmasters for the past 4 years and recently attained Distinguished Toastmaster. With a passion for Toastmasters Education Program she strives to bring the program to youth by conducting youth leadership programs in community and chartered first ever Toastmasters Gavel Club in her community.
Bindu loves to learn and has recently earned Masters of Science in Psychology. She is a marathon runner and has completed her first ever marathon running The Dallas Marathon.
Elizabeth Gray
Elizabeth Gray
Judges Training
Every year District 25 conducts hundreds of contests and each contest needs qualified trained judges to make the contests a success.
Come out to become a trained judge so that you can be part of the successful contest season that District 25 holds each year!
Dave Hendrickson
Dave Hendrickson
Surviving as an Introvert in an Extrovert’s World
This exciting presentation is designed to help people understand their own personality makeup, and how to leverage that knowledge to understand how to obtain the type of rest and recharge that they need to work and live at their best. Today’s fast-paced world is ill suited for the more quiet, reserved individuals known as introverts, however, in this presentation Dave will share from research, as well as his own experience, the factors that make up an introvert and ways that introverts can not only survive but thrive in the hectic modern world. These skills will also help introverts meet their need to refresh and recharge!! If you are an introvert this is definitely a session you don’t want to miss!!
Talent BIO:
Dave Hendrickson, DTM, has been a Toastmaster since 2010 and completed his first Distinguished Toastmaster award in April 2016. Working towards his second DTM, Dave served as District 25 Area 65 Director during the 2017-2018 year. Professionally, Dave has been in the information technology field for the past 40 years and has worked with many different types of individuals over that journey. Working in a field filled with introverts has provided Dave with a unique perspective on what makes them tick, and what these unique people need in order to be fully successful!
Jack Landry
Jack Landry
Presenting With A Passion! — Lesson from a Sand Salesman
Are you a leader who wants to deliver a more inspirational vision to your team? Are you moved by speakers who deliver their message with enthusiasm and passion? Do you sometimes feel that your speeches lack energy and excitement? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions than this session is for you. You’ll learn the secret to injecting passion into your messages. You will be exposed to easy techniques you can use immediately to inspire, energize, and entertain. The memorable tale of the Sand Salesman will stay with you as a lifelong reminder of these important techniques.
Talent BIO:
Jack Landry, DTM is an 18-year member of Toastmasters. He has developed and improved his presentation skills through 30 years of trial and error. Along the way, has learned many valuable lessons to share.
Jack is AVP of Instructor Development at Mr. Cooper mortgage company. His presentation resume includes keynotes, commencement addresses, and train-the-trainer classes for more than 2,000 learning and development professionals. He has taught presentation skills courses at the University of North Texas and the University of Oklahoma.
Jack’s home club is Nationstar Inspires. In 2016-17 he served as Area 25 Director with his area earning President’s Distinguished recognition.
Mei Lin
Mei Lin
The Indispensable Project Manager
Essential Project Management Skills from Toastmasters Programs
This session will reach out to current Toastmaster members who are interested in project management by helping attendees understand fundamental project management skills and PMP certification. This exciting session will apply the Toastmasters training and programs that we are all so familiar with to the Project Management career. Mei will demonstrate the transferable knowledge and experience for attendees between the Toastmasters program and Project Management Program to become an indispensable project manager for any organization. After you this presentation you should better understand the PMP certification, apply the Toastmasters program to the PMP certification and comprehend the transferable knowledge through the various Toastmasters programs.
Talent BIO:
Mei Lin, DTM, is a Project Manager at the City of Plano with over 10 years of experience in Marketing, Hospitality, Healthcare, International operations, and Information Technology. She is a native of Taiwan where she earned dual B.A. degrees in Law and Social Work from National Taipei University. She emigrated to the U.S. in 2008 and earned a Masters of Business Administration from Texas A&M University Commerce.
Currently, she is a PMI-ACP and PMP certified Project Manager at the city of Plano and the Vice President of Programs for the PMI Dallas Chapter. Additionally, she has served in a variety of leadership roles with Toastmasters International including Metro Division Director 2016-2017. She has also an active member of the Richardson Citizens Fire Department Alumni Association where she served as the Vice President in 2016-2017
Jill Morrison
Jill Morrison
Change Is In the Air: What Do I Do Now?
What an exciting and a bit scary title for a session! However, don’t be nervous. This presentation is intended to highlight key points of any career transition plan, making people aware of various resources available for their transition, and give hope to those who are stressed about their situation. Maybe you are in a transition voluntarily or involuntarily, maybe you desire to make a change but don’t know what to do next. Jill will help you navigate the essentials of career transitions and networking. Even if you are not looking to transition, these skills will help you in your everyday life, working or retired.
Talent BIO:
Jill Morrison, DTM, is a certified Project Management Professional and Certified Scrum Master, who has been in the fields of technology and leadership for more than 20 years. In 2011, after leaving her company of 15 years, Jill became a member of the Career Search Network, founding and moderating a chapter in Keller. She has had the opportunity to use the principles of its foundation several times in the last 8 years.
Jill joined Toastmasters in 1995 for all the wrong reasons but stayed for all the right ones. She is an active member of District 25, currently serving as the Division D Director, and earned her DTM in 2013. She is a lover of learning new things, an avid networker, and a believer of HOPE, Help One Person Everyday.
Dave Papenmeier
Dave Papenmeier
A Map to RENEW Your Life
RENEW is an acrostic for aspects of a personal development framework. This session will tie these aspects to various Muppet characters as I explore them during the presentation. For example the R stands for Relationships and my childhood relationship with The Muppets Show can best be described by the two grumpy men who sat in the box seats in the audience and made fun of the characters on the stage. Do you desire some form of improvement in your life? Is there an area that you would like to grow in? Change can be difficult and often having inspiration to get started makes all the difference. With “A Map to RENEW Your Life!” you will learn a process that provides a framework to improve that area of your life, get time to start practicing tools to help you, and have some fun in the process!
Talent BIO:
Dave Papenmeier (I don’t know his designation) is no stranger to District 25 Toastmasters. He first joined Toastmasters in 2011 and earned his Distinguished Toastmaster in 2016. After serving as Area 14 Director Dave was awarded the Outstanding Area Director Award for 2015-16. He has led numerous TLI training sessions over the past several years. He recently served as one of the District 25 Pathways Guides and helped introduce Pathways to nine Clubs. Dave is currently working on the Effective Coaching path and has completed Level 1 [NOTE: I expect to be completed with Level 2 by the time of the Summit.] of that path. Finally, he is serving this year as his Club’s President. In this presentation, Dave will be expanding on the International Speech Contest speech that he presented last spring to the Club, Area, and Division levels. Get ready to learn a process that provides a framework to improve some area of your life, spend time practicing tools to help you, and have some fun in the process.
Allan Pickering
Allan Pickering
Pathways 101
People don’t like change…it’s just a fact of life. Well, almost no one. Allan is one of those weird souls: he loves change. He firmly believes that *no one* joined Toastmasters to stay exactly the same as they were. He volunteered to be both an Ambassador and Guide for D25. He continues to educate his clubs on Pathways and dispelling misconceptions. In this role, he commiserates with all of you – there are times where Pathways seems to be a giant game of ‘Telephone.’ Allan has just completed Level X in Visionary Communication and is high-tailing it to the Pathways Mentor designation. Ask him about it. Bring your laptop to this session to see four Pathways lessons. Each lesson is composed of Present, Demo, Try Together (bring laptops) and the lessons will be: Projects, Levels, Paths; Getting Oriented with Base Camp; Evaluations; Feedback. This is going to be a very thorough session on Pathways by one of our District experts!!
Steven Timmons
Steven Timmons
Be Aware, Be Very Aware, and Spread the Word!
Are you interested in getting new members and filling all of your club roles? Well, there is a secret and it is called Toastmasters. Learn how to spread the word and attract people to your clubs. This session will raise awareness of the power of video and social media to market your home club, Toastmasters International and District 25. Using posts on our personal profiles, we can reach beyond the Toastmasters veil to members of the public. Attendees will walk away with and understanding of how to fill their clubs with guests and members!!
Talent BIO:
Steven Timmons, DTM, joined Toastmasters in June 2010 only one week after visiting his first club. He had no idea what to expect on his first visit but has never looked back. As Public Relations Manager, he now wants to expose Toastmasters for what it really is: the world’s best kept secret! In this presentation he will pop the lid off and show you how to help spread the word of Toastmasters!!