Promotions 2014-2015
Promotions 2014-2015
D25 Elite
Each member of a District 25 Club is challenged to complete any four requirements in each of the areas of Marketing, Education, and Leadership.
Once completed, candidates are awarded the exclusive D25 Elite Member Award. Members receive a D25 Elite lapel pin,
and are recognized on the District website and at the annual Awards Banquet.
Click here to see PAST D25 Elite Members.
Click here to see who has made the commitment for 2014-2015
Download the current D25 Elite Flyer
Make the commitment to complete requirements for D25 Elite
Click here!
When requirements are met send information to Awards Chair
Click Here!
Membership Momentum
Here’s how to get your club moving
down the line
toward a successful dues renewal!
On February 27th, clubs may start entering member
renewals online at Toastmasters International.
Enter as many members as you like, as often as you like!
Members, don’t wait until April to pay your dues!
Get them in NOW and be on track to win!
Every member whose April-Sept dues are showing online as paid
by March 31st is eligible to win a nifty little TI portfolio.
The portfolio comes with an inside multi-pocket organizer,
pen loop and 5 by 8 inch notepad.
The Toastmasters logo and tagline are imprinted on the front.
There will be TEN lucky winners!
Make sure your club gets on board with
Membership Momentum!
Click here to download promotion document to share with your club membrs!
There were 1866 eligible members – renewed as of March 31!
Winners of Drawing:
Chad Pierson – Southlake Club
Fernando Tezaguic – United Regional
Adnan Bazmi – Savvy Sayers
Karen Chilton – ICE Breakers
Marilyn Southwick – FAA Toastmasters
Barbara Rollins – Clearly Speaking
Keith Boepple – World Renowned Grand Prairie
Sherry Chapa – Fish Pond Club
Aaron Plaskonos – Cowtown Toastmasters
D. J. Swinyar – ARBOR Toastmasters
Distinguished Clubs – Wouldn’t It Be Nice
Wouldn’t it be nice…..
If clubs achieved Distinguished status by April 30th?
Clubs that meet requirements to be Distinguished by April 30, will receive a special ribbon to proudly display on their club banner!
Be one of the clubs to be recognized at the Spring 2015 Conference Awrds Luncheon on Saturday, Mary 2, 2015.
President’s Distinguished Clubs by April 30
Abilene Toastmasters Club 1071
Airport Toastmasters
Las Colinas Communicators Club
Logically Speaking
Nationstar Speaks
Nissan Toastmasters Club
Roanoke Texas Toastmasters
Select Distinguished Clubs by April 30
AT&T Irving NOC
BNSF Expressed Toastmasters
BNSF Toastmasters Club
Connection Communicators Club
Cowtown Toastmasters
First Command Club
First Rate Toastmasters
Flagship Speakers Toastmasters Club
GMFinancial Toastmasters
Keller Communicators Club
Lake Vista Toastmasters
MotorMouths Toastmasters
Savvy Sayers
Southlake Club
TCU Toastmasters Club
Top Notch Toastmasters – TNT
United Communicators Club
WBC Toastmasters
Distinguished Clubs by April 30
ARBOR Toastmasters
C3 – Corning Communicator’s Club
Cleburne Toastmasters Club
Fighter Enterprise Toastmasters Club
Golden Triangle Toastmasters Club
Main Street Speakers
Speak With Success
T.E.A.M Toasters
United Regional
“Dog Days of Summer”
Membership Challenge
The club adding the most new members during the HOT summer two month period of July and August,
will receive ice cream bars for the club members personally delivered to their club meeting by the District Governor.
The winner is…
Household of Fath Toastmasters – added 12 new members
Ice cream as promised – check out pictures!
Clubs adding five or more new members in Jul/Aug
Click here to downoad Pot o’ Gold Flyer
ACH Renaissance – winner
Bethesda Toastmasters
Centex Clearly Speaking Toastmasters
Daybreakers Club
Lakeside Club
Las Colinas Towers Toastmasters
MotorMouths Toastmasters
Parliamentary Toastmasters
Pioneer Power Speakers
Skymasters Club
Soapbox Heroes
Southlake Summit Toastmasters
Toast the Blues Toastmasters Club
Super 7
Is your Toastmasters Club a SUPER 7 Club?
Each club that has all 7 officers trained in either of the two training periods will achieve the Super 7 Award and receive a ribbon to proudly hang on the club banner.
Club officers may attend any Toastmasters Leadership Institute held in the June-August training period or the December-February training period.
Fine Print: Open only to District 25 Toastmasters Clubs in good standing. In order to qualify for the Super 7 Award, all 7 club officers must attend District Sponsored training held in June-August or December-February. If officers attend a District training in a district other than District 25 during the June-August or December-February time periods, documentation must be submitted to the District 25 Program Quality Director in order to receive credit.
Super 7 Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame
EACH one–BRING one
Don’t keep Toastmasters a secret. Share the experience
with Friends, Co-workers….. Everyone!
Turn guests into members &
Help your club flourish!
The club adding the most members during
the two-month period Oct-Nov
will win $50 toward Toastmasters supplies.
Winner of $50 Gift Certificate:
Lake Vista – added 22 members
Runners up:
Logically Speaking – added 12
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services – added 11
Club Open House
Quarterly Drawing for $25 Toastmasters Interntional gift certificate
for Clubs Having Open House.
Send us proof of club open house – pictures (or agenda) – click here
Check D25 Facebook for pictures
Ribbons for club showing proof of open house will be mailed to Club President at end of each quarter. Only one ribbon per TM year.
More information on open houses – click here
* Quarterly Drawing Winner
1st Qtr (Jul-Sep) – Las Colinas Communicators
2nd Qtr (Oct-Dec) – Mansfield Sunrise
3rd Qtr (Jan-Mar) – Pioneer Power Speakers
4th Qtr (Apr-Jun) – Las Colinas Towers
First Quarter |
Club Name
Progressive Leaders of Denton Co
Savvy Sayers
Second Quarter
Centex Clearaly Speaking
10/30/2014 | |
(posted 3/20/15) |
TDG Toastmasmters
Waco Wordsmiths
Third Quarter |
Lake Vista
LM AeroSpeakers
Waco Wordsmiths
Fourth Quarter |
Fighter Enterprise
LM AeroSpeakers
LM Evening
LM Executive Communicators
Project Mgrs & Systems Engrs
Quicksilver Express
Quicksilver Express
Top Flight
United Communicators
The Smedley Award
Toastmasters International
Club Membership Building Contest
Smedley Award
Program Dates: August 1 – September 30
In honor of Ralph Smedley, can your club add five new, dual, or reinstated members between August 1 and September 30? By doing so you’ll qualify to receive a “Smedley Award” ribbon to display on your club’s banner. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying clubs earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)
Applications and payments for members who join between August 1 and September 30 must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than September 30. Each member’s join date as listed on the application must be for August or September. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count toward “Smedley Award” credit.
The winning clubs will be revealed online within a few weeks of the contest ending. Winning clubs should allow up to 10 business days to receive their award if they are located in the United States, and up to 21 business days if they are outside of the United States.
Smedley Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame
Click here to view details on Toastmasters International website
Golden Gavel Award
Clubs with well-run, lively, and educational meetings that meet the needs of their members earn the Golden Gavel Award. This award is recognized with a ribbon that can be added to their club banner, and is awarded annually to a club at the annual Awards Banquet. (Prior to 2012-13 a patch was presented to club to be sewn on banner.)
The club must meet all of the following criteria:
- Members and guests are greeted warmly and enthusiastically.
- Meeting starts and adjourns on time.
- 15 or more club members must be present (clubs with fewer than 20 members must have 75% of members present).
- At least one non-Toastmaster guest is present.
- There is applause after every speaker – functionaries included.
- All speeches are MANUAL speeches.
- Evaluations are both specific and supportive.
- Participants are positively recognized and ribbons/rotating trophies are awarded.
- Members wear badges and guests are given name tags.
- Printed agendas are distributed and followed with 3 or fewer assignment changes to the agenda.
- Table Topics are interesting and/or fun – participants are able to speak the full time period.
*If browser and email server don’t support process
outlined above just send email to awards@d25toastmasters
with details of Golden Gavel meeting – club, date, details of meeting.
Golden Gavel clubs listed on District 25 Hall of Fame
Download the Current Golden Gavel Flyer (PDF)
5 Star Club Award
Five Star Club Membership Requirements:
– Dues renewal on time in fall
– Add 4 New Members
– Add 4 More New Members
– Dues renewal on time in spring
– Club has 20 members or net growth of 5 by June 30
Privileges Include:
– Exclusive ribbon for club banner
– Honorable mention in District Newsletter
– Publication in Spring Conference Program*
– Announcement on District Website Hall of Fame
– Special recognition at Spring Conference Awards Lunch*
Details: Clubs must submit dues on time during both renewal periods. Dues must be submitted no later than September 30** and March 31** of the current Toastmaster year to receive on-time credit. On June 30, clubs must have 20 paid members or a net growth of 5 members if the base membership was below 20 as reported on July 1. Clubs must add 4 members, which are defined as new, dual, or reinstated members, and an additional 4 members between July 1 and June 30 of the current Toastmaster year. Results will be tracked from reports provided by Toastmasters International. Clubs have until June 30 to complete all five requirements.
* Clubs that complete all 5 by April 30 will be recognized at the annual Awards Banquet
** – Toastmasters International changed date requirement for dues submission 2016-2017
Five Star Club Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame
Pacesetter Awards
Clubs achieving any of the following can earn up to 5 ribbons for the club banner!
5 or more Competent Communicator Awards
Excellence in Education CC Award Ribbon (Lime Green)
3 or more Advanced Communicator Awards
Excellence in Education AC Award Ribbon (Blue)
3 or more Competent Leader, Advanced Leader Bronze/Silver, or DTM Awards
Excellence in Leadership Award Ribbon (Red)
9 or more New members
Excellence in Marketing Award Ribbon (Green)
5 DCP Goals by January 31
Excellence in Goal Setting Award Ribbon (Maroon)
Pacesetter Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame
Individual Membership Building Contest
Toastmasters International
Individual Contest Building Program
Annual Membership Program
Program Dates: July 1 – June 30, of the following year
Membership growth is important to ensure club success. As a sponsor of five new members, you will qualify to receive a unique sponsor’s pin. As an outstanding sponsor of 10 new members, you will qualify to receive a special pin. Effective July 1, 2009, as a sponsor of 15 new members, you will qualify to receive a special discount code for 25% off your next product purchase from Toastmasters International World Headquarters. Discount is not valid with any other offer. You’ve also made a significant contribution to your club’s long-term success. To receive credit as a sponsor, your name must appear on the membership application along with your home club number. Please print or type information legibly. No changes can be made to the applications once they are received by World Headquarters. New, dual and reinstated members count for credit; transfer and charter members do not. The new members join dates must fall within the July to June range. All applications and payments must be received at World Headquarters no later than June 30.
List of those receiving this recognition posted on District 25 Hall of Fame
Click here to view details on Toastmasters International website
Talk Up Toastmasters
Toastmasters International
Club Membership Building Contest
Talk Up Toastmasters!
Program Dates: February 1 – March 31
Toastmasters love to talk, so take advantage of it. During the “Talk Up Toastmasters” membership contest, you can encourage your members to invite guests to a special meeting where regular procedures are augmented by a discussion of Toastmasters’ many benefits. Add five new, dual or reinstated members to your roster between February 1 and March 31 to receive a special “Talk up Toastmasters” ribbon to display on your club’s banner. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying clubs earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)
Applications and payments for members who join between February 1 and March 31 must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than March 31. Each member’s join date as listed on the application must be for February or March. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count for credit toward “Talk Up Toastmasters” credit.
The winning clubs will be revealed online within a few weeks of the contest ending. Winning clubs should allow up to 10 business days to receive their award if they are located in the United States, and up to 21 business days if they are outside of the United States.
Talk Up Toastmasters Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame
Click here to view details on Toastmasters International website
Beat The Clock
Toastmasters Internaional
Club Membership Building Contest
Beat the Clock
Program Dates: May 1 – June 30
Toastmasters are taught to run meetings on time, finish speeches on time and reach membership goals on time. In that spirit, “Beat the Clock” is a great motivator for finishing the year on schedule—and with a bang. The goal for your club is to earn the “Beat the Clock” award! Make this a contest in your club to encourage every member to get involved. Clubs adding five new, dual or reinstated members during May and June receive a “Beat the Clock” ribbon to display on the club’s banner. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying clubs earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)
Applications and payments for members who join between May 1 and June 30 must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than June 30. Each member’s join date as listed on the application must be for May or June. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count toward “Beat the Clock” credit.
The winning clubs will be revealed online within a few weeks of the contest ending. Winning clubs should allow up to 10 business days to receive their award if they are located in the United States, and up to 21 business days if they are outside of the United States
Beat the Clock Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame
Click here to view details on Toastmasters International website
Any club beginning the year with 12 or fewer members and building membership to charter strength (20) or greater
will receive the District 25 Phoenix Award ribbon that can be proudly displayed on their club’s banner.
Phoenix Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame
Score BIG! and Win the Dues Renewal Game
Why are smart clubs already collecting their dues renewal payments?
Because they want to have all their members renewed by the September 30 deadline and they know that starting early is the key to success.
Here’s another reason: Our Score BIG! promotion is back! Here’s how your club can get the most points for your member renewal payments. All payments must be entered online at TI by September 30 to count.
All clubs with dues renewals of at least 70% of their base membership will receive a special Score BIG! ribbon.
70% of base membership renewed: 3 points. You’ve made a field goal, but why settle for that?
80% of base membership renewed: 6 points. Touchdown! This is a good score but there’s room for improvement.
90% of base membership renewed: 7 points. Touchdown with the extra point! This is a winning score — a healthy number of members means a strong club that can win a championship.
Here’s how your points can equal rewards:
3 points = Eligible clubs will be entered in a drawing for a $50 TI Store gift certificate. Three prizes will be awarded.
6 points = Eligible clubs will be entered in a drawing for a $75 TI Store gift certificate. Three prizes will be awarded.
7 points = Eligible clubs will be entered in a drawing for a $100 TI Store gift certificate. Three prizes will be awarded.
Click here to print flyer to share with club
Clubs Having 90% (or more) of Base Membership
Paid thru 3/31 |
* – Winners |
Club Name | Percentage |
AT&T Irving NOC | 100.00 |
C3 – Corning Communicator’s Club | 100.00 |
Cowtown Criers * | 125.00 |
Cowtown Toastmasters | 100.00 |
Fish Pond Club | 96.77 |
LM Evening Toastmasters | 93.75 |
MotorMouths Toastmasters | 112.50 |
North Texas Toastmasters | 100.00 |
Progressive Leaders of Denton County | 93.33 |
Reveille * | 100.00 |
Smooth Talkers | 108.33 |
Southwest Bank Shining Stars Toastmasters | 90.91 |
Speak With Success | 121.43 |
ToastStop Club | 93.75 |
Top Notch Toastmasters – TNT | 114.29 |
USB Texas Toast | 90.48 |
UTA Toastmasters | 90.48 |
WBC Toastmasters* | 91.67 |
WINS Texas Toast | 100.00 |
Clubs Having 80-89% of Base Membership
Paid thru 3/31 |
* – Winners |
Club Name | Percentage |
ACH Renaissance * | 80.00 |
ARBOR Toastmasters * | 88.46 |
Baylor Orators Toastmasters Club | 81.25 |
Expressionaires Club | 85.71 |
FAA Toastmasters Club | 81.25 |
First Command Club | 88.24 |
First Rate Toastmasters | 88.46 |
Golden Triangle Toastmasters Club | 87.50 |
Jacobs – Fort Worth | 80.00 |
Keller Communicators Club | 86.11 |
Longhorn Toastmasters Club | 85.71 |
Northwest Tarrant Toastmasters * | 84.62 |
Savvy Sayers | 85.71 |
Shining Stars Club | 84.62 |
Toast Captains | 88.89 |
Waco – Early Birds Club | 81.25 |
Wells Fargo Dallas/Ft Worth | 80.00 |
Clubs Having 70-79% of Base Membership
Paid thru 3/31 |
* – Winners |
Club Name | Percentage |
Centex Clearly Speaking Toastmasters * | 72.73 |
Clearly Speaking Toastmasters | 71.43 |
Crefmasters Toastmasters Club | 72.73 |
Electric Toasters | 74.07 |
Fighter Enterprise Toastmasters Club * | 75.00 |
Flagship Speakers Toastmasters Club | 75.00 |
Flower Mound Toastmasters | 75.00 |
LM AeroSpeakers Club | 75.00 |
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services | 78.13 |
Nationstar Speaks | 73.33 |
NEC Toastmasters | 76.19 |
Project Managers & Systems Engineers | 70.00 |
Speaking With Class | 77.78 |
Thumbs Up Toastmasters | 70.00 |
ToastCrafters | 77.78 |
Toastmasters of Instruction * | 76.19 |
All payments must be entered online at TI by September 30 to count.