Happy Charterversary 2020-2021

Home / Happy Charterversary 2020-2021


An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today,

The memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow!

Here are clubs that have shared their Happy Charterversary celebrations!

Examples from 2019-2020

FAA Toastmasters – Club #6102, Charter Date October 1, 1990

The FAA Toastmasters Club was able to celebrate its 30-year “Charterversary” on Oct 21st.  The event featured this video of activities and participants throughout the years, an ice breaker reflection on where each attendee was 30 years ago, and an entertaining barrage of table topics that included such things as “how do you load a dishwasher?”, and “if olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?”

Thirty years is a long time for an all-volunteer, corporate-based club to exist, yet alone succeed.  As evidenced by the career progression and personal achievements of the FAA Toastmasters members past and present, the club is a true reflection of the Toastmasters motto, “Where Leaders are Made”!

Click here to view video

Submitted by: Jeri Bird
Club Officer/VP Membership
Celebration date – 10/21/2020


Longhorn Toastmasters – Club #3178, Charter Date: October 1, 1960

Longhorn Toastmasters celebrated our 60th Charterversary by moseying off the dusty trails into Zoom-In for a spell to wet our whiskers! Theme: “The Historical Toastmasters Club.”

High Noon is when we got to the town of Zoom-In and is when we normally meet up with the rest of the posse to learn leadership and communication skills.

Jesse Torres’ speech, “A Club’s Leaders Leave a Legacy for its Future,” spurred us on to achieve 60 more years of blazing the trail for the future. Kacey Bess’ Best Table Topics Speech reminded us that “Great ideas are no good if you can’t communicate them effectively.” Joining us was Chris, Ninfa, Fursey, Diana Patton, Jodi Sanders, former members and guests.

Submitted by: Annette Henderson
Club Officer/President
Celebration date – 10/12/2020