by Jesse Ford DL4/SR3 Division G Director
If I got trained over the summer, why do I have to do it again?
Because I said so. Didn’t you hate that answer as a kid?
In truth, TLI training is a requirement by Toastmasters International.
That seems a little redundant and not very inspiring, but I submit to you, when you read between the lines, there’s always more.
Toastmasters International prides itself on worldwide brand recognition. The training is aimed to always be consistent. Twice a year, the material — taken directly from the officer handbook — is discussed and presented by various district leaders.
What is different? Well, you are. The trainer, hopefully, is. And the attendees are. Lots of variables. This provides opportunity to learn something new you may have missed before. If you find yourself making excuses instead of signing up to attend a TLI, hear me out.
We all remember the 5 W’s and the H, right?
Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How?
Who: If you don’t like the trainer, I challenge you to choose a different one next time.
What: If you don’t like the material, engage and connect in a new way.
Where: Historically, locations for District 25 trainings were usually spread throughout DFW. With Zoom, you can participate in TLIs all over the world from the comfort of your own home.
When: District 25 offers over ten sessions sponsored by the district. Each division hosts a training, culminating in seven more TLIs from which to choose. Did you know some districts offer five or fewer opportunities?
Why: If you must ask why, you may have already made up your mind. Broaden your horizons.
How: With volunteers from all over the world, Toastmasters International and District 25 are as unique as the membership of whom they’re comprised.
Thinking back over the last few years, I can see several defining moments in my personal and professional development. Joining Toastmasters was and will always be one of my favorite moments that mattered. Attending TLI bolstered my TM knowledge and allows me to help point others toward their own defining moment. Sign up for TLI today!